May 23rd.

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EU citizens (including British ones) have the right to travel within their own country, and to other EU countries, to take up work or to look for work.

If they fail to get employment in another EU country after three months, or for certain other reasons are undesirables, they can be sent home.

You know that.

Wheres your signature gone John.?

Can you remind me what it said?
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Unlike you, I don't pretend...

Yet you've not provided any data to back up anything you've said after I told you the burden of proof is yours to dispute.

Of course the majority of EU nationals are 'white'.

So you accept what I said was true. Leavers and remainers alike prefer Migrants from within the EU and they are by majority white people.

how about you tell us why that leave poster pictured only black faces?

Bit racist of you to presume they were all black? While you mention it however do you think they were actors?

Oh, and as for non-EU migrants...

Plenty of 'white' faces from the Commonwealth/America....

I'm sure there are but unless you're willing to pretend the majority of non EU immigrants aren't from India, Pakistan and Various countries within Africa that argument falls flat.
Buy hey, I don't get hung up on the colour of a person's skin anyway

That may well be true and it's just a coincidence you'd rather remain in the EU ready to accept more white migrants.
European elections: I had a leaflet from the Brexit party in the week.

Nobody else so far.

The remain campaign needs to step up. Otherwise the Brexit party win do well and everybody will be saying 'its sending a clear messagenthat Brexit must happen'.

Change UK and the others have made a big mistake in not combining forces and by jot havibg a clear message.

They should have called themselves the remain party.
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We hear it all the time, it's not the type of people or the criteria they do or don't meet that is important to the people who vote with the intention of further restriction on immigration, it's purely down to volume
No, it's purely down to a spectrum of bias from dislike of foreigners to racism and utter hatred of "the other".

The fact of the matter is, as Lal said, inward migration by volume, quantity is not restricted and that's what's a key issue to voters.
And oh look - it's often a very significant "key issue" in areas with the smallest numbers of immigrants.

Qué John D putting it down to Tory cuts that we can't develop infrastructure to meet demand.
Well if it hasn't been the Tory government(s) cutting public spending, who has it been?
They are very thin on the ground here, I'll give you that.

IRL I don't know any hate-filled, ignorant, foaming, lying, racists, or right-wing loonies, or hard Brexit kamikaze pilots, or people who wilfully ignore facts or who admire thugs and criminals, and so on.
Now had one from Labour with a photo of Jeremy on it.

Are labour going to unite the country by being ever more ambiguous?

Interesting point I heard when he said labour can unite the country over brexit, he can't even unite his party.
Are labour going to unite the country by being ever more ambiguous?

Interesting point I heard when he said labour can unite the country over brexit, he can't even unite his party.

Labour have kept a policy of constructive ambiguity going for a long time now.

Its been very successful for them, in the sense they have kept both remain and leave voters on side.

Labour are now talking about uniting the country by backing a 2nd ref..............
Well I have news. Everyone hates you.
What you mean is that all the hate-filled, ignorant, foaming, lying, racists, right-wing loonies, hard Brexit kamikaze pilots, people who wilfully ignore facts, who admire thugs and criminals, and so on hate me because I tell them how vile they are.

MOD: Thread descended into usual tiresome squabbling.
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