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The anti-vaxers bang on about the mRNA vaccines. The first vaccine approved in the UK was the astra zenica jab. It was not mRNA based. Nevertheless the chuft wits insisted that all vaccines were gene altering.

At which point do people realise that what they read on social media is BS?
Problem is the AZ was withdrawn because of the risk of blood clots that it causes. Seems the anti vaxers were right all along about this one.
The UK was declared as being measles free a few years ago. By all accounts you need a 90% vaccination rate to protect the rest of the population.

Do you really think that illegals account for 10% of the population?

I think it is more likely that during covid, people backed off and that that the social media paranoia about vaccines in general contributed to the drop off.

My sister lost hearing in one of her ears because of measles when she was younger.

IMO, any parent that is not willing to vaccinate their child is irresponsible.

Also, some ethnic groups have a mistrust of the medical community, so are far less likely to be vaccinated. Even pre 'rona.
Problem is the AZ was withdrawn because of the risk of blood clots that it causes. Seems the anti vaxers were right all along about this one.
No it didn't. It caused a very small number of Myocarditis in some segments of the population.

Fewer cases than if the people caught COVID with only 'natural immunity' but more than the mRNA vaccines. Without the mRNA doses we'd have continued with astra zenica for more people.

It has not been withdrawn either. It's still an approved vaccine and has been used by Billions of people.
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Seems the anti vaxers were right all along about this one.

Were they right in claiming that the number of Covid deaths in an unvaccinated population was less than in a vaccinated one?
No it didn't. It caused a very small number of Myocarditis in some segments of the population.
Research from Cardiff University and Arizona State University, published in December 2021, found a possible explanation of the link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and rare blood clots. They discovered that the adenovirus in the vaccine (which is used to deliver genetic instructions to the cells) can bind with a protein found in the blood, called platelet factor 4. They think that in extremely rare cases, this may trigger a chain reaction in the immune system, which could result in blood clots developing.
Still better with the AZ vaccine.

"In April 2021, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) confirmed a possible link between the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine and these rare blood clots, but emphasised that the benefits of the vaccine continued to outweigh the risks for the vast majority of people. "

"A study by the University of Oxford shows that having Covid-19 puts you at a much higher risk of developing dangerous blood clots than the AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccines."

"The researchers estimate that for every 10 million people who are vaccinated with AstraZeneca, there are 66 extra cases of blood clots in the veins and seven extra cases of a rare type of blood clot in the brain. Infection with Covid-19 is estimated to cause 12,614 extra cases of blood clots in the veins and 20 cases of rare blood clots in the brain."
Problem is the AZ was withdrawn because of the risk of blood clots that it causes. Seems the anti vaxers were right all along about this one.
No it didn't. It caused a very small number of Myocarditis in some segments of the population.

Wait a cotton pick'n minute I said it caused blood clots and you replied with NO it didn't then after I posted the proof that it DID cause blood clots you edited your post to add
a very small number of Myocarditis in some segments of the population.

Thanks Quote Quote

No it didn't. It caused a very small number of Myocarditis in some segments of the population.

Wait a cotton pick'n minute I said it caused blood clots and you replied with NO it didn't then after I posted the proof that it DID cause blood clots you edited your post to add
a very small number of Myocarditis in some segments of the population.

Thanks Quote Quote

You need to work on your quotes. You've been mucking them up a bit. I was part way through an edit when I had to deal with real life.

So, out of the two and a half billion doses given, how many do you think it killed?
Still better with the AZ vaccine.

"In April 2021, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) confirmed a possible link between the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine and these rare blood clots, but emphasised that the benefits of the vaccine continued to outweigh the risks for the vast majority of people. "
Yet the Gov still felt the need to withdraw it from use. Does none of this shady flip flopping from the gov and quiet removal from use not rise any concerns from people.
Does none of this shady flip flopping from the gov and quiet removal from use not rise any concerns from people
Not really, what was shady about it? The other vaccines proved to be better, as science proved.

This is the measles thread though, better keeping covid in the other one.
You need to work on your quotes. You've been mucking them up a bit. I was part way through an edit when I had to deal with real life.

So, out of the two and a half billion doses given, how many do you think it killed?
So You did edit your post - I thought I was imagining it. On other forums there is an option to view edits to posts but you have admitted that you edited it so thank you.
Yes you are right I am still learning the quote thing.
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