Again you misunderstand! I realise that it is impossible to help everyone and i did say earlier in a posting that one has to prioritise and help the one's that need immediate help, The narrowness comes in with statements like There are enough foreigners in this country! What do you term as a Foreigner?
Also i stated before that the government are right in helping where they can those more unfortunate.
The facts are there for you to see if you open your eyes, At work we have several "foreigners" who have brought skills, knowledge and above all Hard Work to the company.
If i am honest, these "foreigners" are not frightened to buckle down and work hard unlike some of the "natural borns" i work with.
You seem to pick up only on negatives without giving a balanced view where i admitted that there are individuals that take advantage and they should be stopped but you musn't Tar everyone with the same brush!
Another thing, what makes you think this is YOUR country and yours alone anyway? You need to move out of the dark Ages and into the new Multicultural Society we live in today.