Most inaccurate post?

Your children will die in poverty. That is a fact.
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I do not waste my life worrying about £'s ... I pay others to do it for me ... And they are VERY good at it.


That's care in the community for you. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

So do I MW! And I live in a council house Joe-90. So... I have less of a opinion because of that eh? I will go to bed quite happy with my lot (he wont) and wake up after spending a night with my wife. :LOL:

I will never ignore you Joe as a bad as life gets, you remind me that as bad as it gets....I'M NOT YOU.

BRING ON THE DOOM AND GLOOM. I have 3 kids who laugh at you now.



Don't you mean "Quite an enema"?

Your children will die in poverty. That is a fact.

Well Joe...they wont. Your kids (if he has any) will grow up (or have grown up) will only know a belligerent father who if he treats them like this forum will grow up bigoted (sic), angry and may join an opinionated party politacal group that will support 'daddy's views'.

Luckily, my kids will grow up with a 'balance' with what they will face in life and will be successfull.

BTW, how can one of my children grow up in poverty when she earns 80,000 GBP per year?

ASSUME makes an ASS outta you!
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it's the Internet mate. She earns 80K and you live in a council house.
You should all be aware that Joe believes that there is something wrong with living in a council house ... It's the bigot in him.

I grew up in one as did all my friends and we have each had very successful lives since in our own way ... Which is why I don't share your bigoted view of council houses and the people who live in them.

Try visiting a modern day council estate.
it's the Internet mate. She earns 80K and you live in a council house.

and your point?

She has done well. Im a self employed gas man who earns enough for a good living. Why would I move? Im happy with my lot. I have my health and my daughter has done well. My son (only 13) earns good money on his car valeting service (which I help with), so all in all, we do just fine.
He ears p i s s all but he has the bisiness acumin to take it further.
The Roma gypsies need your house. You can afford to get a place of your own and stop sponging.
The Roma gypsies need your house. You can afford to get a place of your own and stop sponging.

Why would I?

Lovely loveeerrlly house. Ive furnished it with a central heating system (can you?). Made 4 bedrooms out of 3. (To accommodate the 3rd child). Converted the loft space and refitted the kitchen.

I have saved my local coucil at leats 75 notes by my improvements :D

I will buy this house but not yet, so until then Im a p i s s poor council house tenant eh.

Roma Gypsies? They can have it when I sell if for 350,000 notes :eek: :p :D
Run out of expletives joey?

You (being the manic depressive you are) give people like me a 'vent' for my anger. May you proseper Joe in your idiotic 'state of the world address'

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