Mother of twins mauled by fox is threatened

you are right, you are imagining it. Fox hunting is irrelevant to urban foxes.

my parents house on the fringes of London has a long garden, and has had foxes since at least 1940

Urban foxes got much more common once food became more plentiful after the war, and really took off once people could afford to throw burgers and pizzas down in the High Street after a night in the pub, or to leave left-over food in bin bags outside restaurants and houses. The old galvanised bins were mostly too heavy for foxes to push over, and once upon at time food was too scarce to be thrown away.

road kill also increased with traffic, and this provides a handy source of food for foxes and carrion birds.

I live in a rural area so the only foxes I see are casting about on the field behind my house, or occasionally basking in long grass out of reach of people. It is very rare to see one in a road after dawn. In towns you see them at quiet times of the day or night trotting about the roads or playing in gardens. As there is a lot more food in towns, there are a lot more foxes scavenging and making a good living out of it. Even urban foxes are generally timid creatures who can be chased away by a defensive kitten or attacked by a pet dog. Only when they have been driven demented by mange does their hunger and madness make them bold.
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you are right, you are imagining it. Fox hunting is irrelevant to urban foxes.
Fair enough - it's just how it seems to me. Was wondering if increased numbers of foxes and sets in the countryside through a decline in hunting was causing more foxes to be spreading into towns. I'll happily accept that this is a flawed argument if it is the case.
I travel back home late at night I live in a village , & I see a couple of fox's every night , I also see on average at least 2 a week dead beside the road (Traffic) in the last couple of week's I have seen 3 or 4 badger's live one's ! As for other wildlife a couple of years ago I was woken up in the early hour's by noise coming from under my bed ? couple of hedgehog's came in (I used to leave back door open for cat's) & decided to camp out under my bed , the fleas that those thing's have got had to fumigate the bed room :) Also came home to a live rabbit sitting in my front room cat brought it in it would not run so they lost interest , than there was the live rat running around the place cat's again , would they deal with it no ,had to use a cricket bat for that
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