As Moat is heldup in open country, he could sue police for exposure, and that's against his human rights, and take the case to Brussels.
Murder 1 - going equipped - life
Attempted murder going equipped - 15 years?
Attempted murder on a policeman - not coming out. Protect your own.
Burglary, when already convicted of assault on a child, when coming out of prison? - 5+origional sentance.
He has no life ahead of him, he's in drenching rain, he's stressed, if he doesn't end it for himself, he may later in prison.
He's been shot, but apparently alive?
Murder 1 - going equipped - life
Attempted murder going equipped - 15 years?
Attempted murder on a policeman - not coming out. Protect your own.
Burglary, when already convicted of assault on a child, when coming out of prison? - 5+origional sentance.
He has no life ahead of him, he's in drenching rain, he's stressed, if he doesn't end it for himself, he may later in prison.
He's been shot, but apparently alive?