mr moat

As Moat is heldup in open country, he could sue police for exposure, and that's against his human rights, and take the case to Brussels.

Murder 1 - going equipped - life
Attempted murder going equipped - 15 years?
Attempted murder on a policeman - not coming out. Protect your own.
Burglary, when already convicted of assault on a child, when coming out of prison? - 5+origional sentance.

He has no life ahead of him, he's in drenching rain, he's stressed, if he doesn't end it for himself, he may later in prison.

He's been shot, but apparently alive?
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Attempted murder going equipped - 15 years?
Attempted murder on a policeman -
not coming out.

Micky........I know it must be tough...........But hey.... It can't be THAT bad can it.......???????........... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Just do will mind..... :LOL: ;)
Attempted murder going equipped - 15 years?
Attempted murder on a policeman -
not coming out.

Micky........I know it must be tough...........But hey.... It can't be THAT bad can it.......???????........... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

WHAT?? You are talking about 1 dead man, 2 severely injured, a massive police operation, the public at risk, someone with some type of mental issue, going mental and being shot, either by himself, or police, and you JOKE? I hope the web achive, that the Families of those involved never see your bizarre comment. All the victims Families, including Moats own Family, have suffered such a loss, but you poke fun? Bizarre.
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Have you really got mental health issues then? By misquoting me, and suggesting something that was not suggested?

Where do you get off in life? SOMEBODY DIED. I don't understand your utter incoherent rambling.
Depression and rejection - terrible thing the feeling of "blackness" and futility. Add in the feeling of guilt for what he's done and how his kids are going to look at him (no longer the perfect hero). I know I was hard on him, but poor poor bloke to have pulled that trigger.

Whoever let him out of prison will have missed a load of telltale signs.
As I watched the tale unfold last night (Sky news on in the background), I found it strange all these eye witnesses coming out of the woodwork for interviews in person or by phone. It must be my cynical nature, but I wonder how much any of them will make out of this from the tabloids desperate for any bit of "exclusive" information of the last few moments of Moat's life
Thank firk he's dead, he did the right thing for once!
Just hope they now don't spend a load of money dissecting his life and trying to make sense of his actions.
If so I will save them some money.
jealous nutter!
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