Msinformed gullible brexiteers

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It is impossible to provide factual evidence of a conspiracy theory as a conspiracy theory is by definition a virtual item.
At least you have the decency to admit that they were conspiracy theories.

I am sure if you had an open mind then you would be able to find some details of bale outs and other actions that have slipped into the public domain.
You mean you want me to second guess what you were referring to, and refute your specific arguments before you have even made them?

The world has gone stark raving stupid.
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festive is noticeably avoiding my responses.
Im not im just busy saving the world currently, some of us have jobs to do outside of attempting to belittle your fellow plebeians. I shall deal with you in a little while. (y)
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No, world is still fine.

Its just you (y)
Perhaps you'd like to point me towards the cases that Bernard was referring to.
Allow me to remind you of these cases that we are supposed to second guess:

Not all are well known, it was in the EU's interests to have suppressed bad news about unstable member economies until it had become impossible to hide the facts. That might still be the case, maybe the EU is not financially healthy and the loss of the UK's contributions could be the final straw that breaks the EU financial camel's back.
P1$$ off you lot you're highjacking my thread!
In that case your attempted diversion is invalid.

Which of the four Brexit options did you think you were voting for?

Which one did Theresa threaten us with?

Which one did she later choose?

Which one us she now floating as a possibility?

Which is the one the Leavers have agreed among themselves is their preferred option?

Which is the one the Leave campaigners put in their manifesto before the referendum?

Are you pretending to be thick ? Really this is a serious question ? Cant you remember the choices presented ? Remain or leave ...that was it ! Not this politicians pickle we're in now !!!
There was no four options for the public of out that was it.
Are you pretending to be thick ? Really this is a serious question ? Cant you remember the choices presented ? Remain or leave ...that was it ! Not this politicians pickle we're in now !!!
There was no four options for the public of out that was it.

Fking hoorah thankyou!
Are you pretending
Of course we're pretending (wink, wink)...we actually left on the 29th March (keep nodding)...and we left the EU....and there wasn't a shambles when the UK government negotiators begged for a deal only to be told of their options which they forgot to tell the quit...(ssh!) oops :eek:
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