Musicians Posts

notb665 said:
Yes, she is on her way now, I believe. Watch out for her! (Zoe Corbishley).

I am glad to hear that she is 'on the way'. I'll keep my eyes and ears posted. She looks great too, and although I really detest that this is now a 'prime' qualification to make it the music world, it will help her.

How's your rock voice? (or anyone elses?) Working on a rock beat at the moment but need someone with a powerful voice. I haven't done lyrics either - so if anyone wants to come up with any - please go ahead :)

Its a basic rhythm and riff, but often these are the catchiest :) Here is the gist if it so far -

Oh, and please don't critisise that it is repetitive (mlb3c stay clear :D ) - I haven't mixed it down and I still need to embelish it - more instruments, lead guitar, etc :)

PS If I hear it 'out there' without my name - I'm sueing :D :D :D
so far i like it...original...not repetitive at all...has good mix...tempo is good... pitch (not the correct term i don't think) is good--in the mid range. i personally don't think it needs lyrics...but would be good if had some solo spots...lead guitar and even drums ...(i like drums). good show...notb :) when it's finished...would love a single :)
Gary_M said:
mlb3c said:
....when it's finished...would love a single :)

How come Robbie Williams never cracked the American market so easily :D :D :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
first not the american market
2nd...dont know who that is...looked him, not a clue
3rd....something about notb's style...reminds me of rock groups in 70s-that was my "rockin" time....i just liked it...sounds like something that would catch on...altho he did say it needed some work....i just liked it..that simple :D
Gary_M said:
notb665 said:
Yes, she is on her way now, I believe. Watch out for her! (Zoe Corbishley).

I am glad to hear that she is 'on the way'. I'll keep my eyes and ears posted. She looks great too, and although I really detest that this is now a 'prime' qualification to make it the music world, it will help her.

How's your rock voice? (or anyone elses?) Working on a rock beat at the moment but need someone with a powerful voice. I haven't done lyrics either - so if anyone wants to come up with any - please go ahead :)

Its a basic rhythm and riff, but often these are the catchiest :) Here is the gist if it so far

Oh, and please don't critisise that it is repetitive (mlb3c stay clear :D ) - I haven't mixed it down and I still need to embelish it - more instruments, lead guitar, etc :)

PS If I hear it 'out there' without my name - I'm sueing :D :D :D
Gary- Excellent stuff- How about some sax in there with drums/guitar in the background? :D :D :D :D
mlb3c said:
first not the american market
2nd...dont know who that is...looked him, not a clue
3rd....something about notb's style...reminds me of rock groups in 70s-that was my "rockin" time....i just liked it...sounds like something that would catch on...altho he did say it needed some work....i just liked it..that simple :D

1st -Good point

2nd - I rest my case

3rd - It wasn't notb's :oops:

Gary_M said:
mlb3c said:
first not the american market
2nd...dont know who that is...looked him, not a clue
3rd....something about gary m's style...reminds me of rock groups in 70s-that was my "rockin" time....i just liked it...sounds like something that would catch on...altho he did say it needed some work....i just liked it..that simple :D

1st -Good point

2nd - I rest my case

3rd - It wasn't notb's :oops:

;) sorry GaryM! eyes are not what they used to be. I did like it....still would like a single. again...please forgive

:oops: :oops: :oops:
hairyjon said:
Gary_M said:
mlb3c said:
....when it's finished...would love a single :)

How come Robbie Williams never cracked the American market so easily :D :D :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Um talent (or the lack)!!!

I think you are about to have all the females here (except those in America) on your back hairyjon ....................................... lucky b*gger :) :oops:
mlb3c said: sorry GaryM! eyes are not what they used to be. I did like it....still would like a single. again...please forgive

:oops: :oops: :oops:

:LOL: No worries - complimentary single on its way :)
Gary, are these live instruments that you are playing, or samples, or midi?

Whatever they are, I like it, I just wondered.
ya know....if you put a little twang to it (not that one-it's fine the way it is)you could easily transition into country music....i used to live in the" country music capital of the world"....Nashville, TN.... :eek: :rolleyes: :LOL: :LOL:
notb665 said:
Gary, are these live instruments that you are playing, or samples, or midi?

Whatever they are, I like it, I just wondered.

Drums are loops strung together as I don't have a kit at the moment. Guitar is 'live' but based on a riff I have heard somewhere before - I tend to have all these riffs floating about in my head but can never recall where I based them on. Sometimes I will go for months without touching an instrument (no innuendos intended :D) then I'll take a gee and churn out a dozen songs :confused:

Glad you liked - are you auditioning for the vocals on it? :)
God no, I can hit the notes spot on but I just don't sound any good in a song. I've got nowt to say anyway!
notb665 said:
God no, I can hit the notes spot on but I just don't sound any good in a song. I've got nowt to say anyway!

well,......that isnt true! if that was your voice who was singin the "irritatin" song, you had a good voice....albeit it wasn't the best example..since I had to tune it out real quick. you are much too humble :) and i like your guitar playing...except of course the high pitch-i think i suffered brain damage some years ago (seriously)....add a got my vote :) ;)