Musicians Posts

Gary_M said:
hairyjon said:
Gary_M said:
mlb3c said:
....when it's finished...would love a single :)

How come Robbie Williams never cracked the American market so easily :D :D :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Um talent (or the lack)!!!

I think you are about to have all the females here (except those in America) on your back hairyjon ....................................... lucky b*gger :) :oops:
If I start running now what are my chances- but then I may decide to stop suddenly!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
mlb3c said:
notb665 said:
God no, I can hit the notes spot on but I just don't sound any good in a song. I've got nowt to say anyway!

well,......that isnt true! if that was your voice who was singin the "irritatin" song, you had a good voice....albeit it wasn't the best example..since I had to tune it out real quick. you are much too humble :) and i like your guitar playing...except of course the high pitch-i think i suffered brain damage some years ago (seriously)....add a got my vote :) ;)

Thanks mlb3c.

I like 70s style playing and learnt a load of it so I can teach it, but it just isn't my personal choice when it comes to composing. I try to make my compositions fresh and contemporary. However, I do have a 70s style one that is in the pipeline, which I'll probably do after my current project "Misanthropic Merry Go-Round". As for the high bits, yeah, I only do it cus I can, like I said on the website: it's self-absorbed. Widdling like that should be tasteful. One thing is when you are a solo artist you have no-one to keep you/your ego in check: no-one to say, "that's rubbish - leave out that cymbal" etc.

I am a frustrated artist really. *Feigns back of hand to forehead*.
well, this will probably sound insulting, but is not intended that way. back when simon and garfunkel were together...liked the albums....but preferred the sounds of garfunkel....when paul simon struck it on his own, didnt do a thing for wasn't original sounding...something 'canned' about it--but he made it big and blah blah blah....didnt ever hear abour garfunkel---but liked his pieces on their albums...maybe he was frustrated too. Stick to your guns and follow your have the talent, you'll have your dream ;)
Gary_M said:
johnny_t said:
.........At his 5th birthday he insisted on 'Breaking the Law' by Judas Priest for his Pass the Parcel music....

That is great :) You have taught him well :) I remember babysitting one of my mates (a drummer) daughters some years ago. She was 3 or 4 years old at the time- she started telling me all about Bob Marley and the philosophies behind his music - it was so funny :) Still, it paid off - she's now a bass player and doing very well.

hairyjon Fine by me to mention Fleetwood Mac, and I am guessing you might be referring to the Peter Green era?

I know that the 'younger generation' would disagree, but can anyone honestly name someone from the past 20 or so years who has really influenced the direction of music? Ok, I know there have been some 'pioneers' who have added their 'falvour' to things, but most if not all of the current genres are really just a re-invention of what was done a long time ago :confused:

Let the debate begin...................... :LOL: :LOL:
Oh, yes debate begun! Not reffering in particular to the Peter Green era as the two are so different. I have always had a soft spot for female vocalists (careful here!) Particularly Stevie Nicks gravely style. Christine McVie also has a good one. Sandy Denny (Fairport Convention) was also one of my heroes-such a sad loss when she died she had alot to offer. You are right when you say who has really contributed in the last 20 years. Most are trying to re-invent something that could never be done again! :confused:
What sticks out in the last 20 years? I would have to say Grunge especially Kurt Cobain and BritPop especially Graham Coxon and John Squire.
notb665 said:
What sticks out in the last 20 years? I would have to say Grunge especially Kurt Cobain and BritPop especially Graham Coxon and John Squire.

your email address probs