Muslim protesters set fire to Giant Poppy on Armistice Day

The British conquered the Empire, then gave it up, and now the Empire wants to take it back. If you propose Christianity on me, then, when you don't rule me, I'll give you Muslim back. (or whatever religion).

Where it goes wrong is that certain sections of religion, set up ghettos, and that integrates people, whereas we integrated people (allegedly), because of all that killing and murder in the Crusades really helped!

It's setting up ghettos that is the issue, as people can't integrate, and foreign people like to congregate amongst their own, so ghettos, are setup, and don't integrate...

If people were ruled under British, then they rebel, and how best to do that? Set up a ghetto, spread, then take over the country that has oppressed you for hundreds of years.
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i think the muslims have control over this country, if we speak up against them the police will get us or we will get death threats
Round our way Donk, there's a hell of a lot of young to middle aged Muslims go into the local pubs and the bookies too.
We reckon on a Friday afternoon, at least 25% of the Muslim men leaving the mosque either head for William Hill's or the local for a few pints.
(Mind you , seeing some of the Muslim women round here, I don't blame them one bit)

So what's your issue with that?

Aren't you happy, they are adopting your way of life?
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What happened to the fact that if an asylum seeker left their own country, they had to go to the nearest country to claim?
How come everyone seeks to live in the UK? The fact of the matter is, we are too soft. We will allow them to come to OUR country, claim for everything, give them housing, even though some of our own can't get this.
First, close the channel tunnel and help keep the spongers out.
Secondly, anyone like the Muslim cleric that claims he hates the Western values, incites violence, but is happy to live the Western lifestyle and hold his hand ( hook ) out to get all he can, should be deported at the cost of his native homeland.
It was even a case that these *******s complained about the Mecca bingo halls name - it then had to be changed!!!!!!
If you don't like our way of life, then you know what to do.
Our tolerence has reached a fever pitch - OUR country has reached it's peak population. We do not need any more Muslims born in OUR country and claiming.

Well maybe they wouldn't come over here and claim asylum, if we hadn't gone to their country and invaded it?

You say, if they don't like our way of life, they should go back.

But if you, (our Government (and Big Daddy)) didn’t invade other countries, whose way of life they don't like. Maybe we wouldn't have an issue of people claiming asylum. How many Iraqi and Afghan asylum seekers did you hear of being in UK, before the two wars?

Does your willingness to do good stop at, bombing other countries, and killing off their families for the better good. But when it comes to people from these countries wanting asylum, then that's not acceptable?

And even if they are allowed, they should abide by your rules? Which only apply to them? Where is freedom, freedom of expression and democracy? Isn't that what you promised them, when you killed their family?
Round our way Donk, there's a hell of a lot of young to middle aged Muslims go into the local pubs and the bookies too.
We reckon on a Friday afternoon, at least 25% of the Muslim men leaving the mosque either head for William Hill's or the local for a few pints.
(Mind you , seeing some of the Muslim women round here, I don't blame them one bit)

So what's your issue with that?

Aren't you happy, they are adopting your way of life?

I'm quite happy for them to adopt our culture etc. What I'm not happy about is the disrespect shown to our culture at almost every turn by these extremists. Combined with a total refusal to integrate into the society of their adopted country. Yet they reap the benefits of living amongst us.

Do you think the freedoms they enjoy are the ones our grandfathers fought for at Ypres, Passchendaele, Mons and the Somme?
I don't think they are. I'm quite sure our forefathers didn't fight for their memory to be disrespected by anyone. They didn't fight so some Muslim idiots should stir up hatred and speak of dominating the west.
Perhaps the Guardianista's amongst us believe they fought and gave the ultimate sacrifice for this proud nation to be walked all over by all and sundry. I don't.
These scum that defiled a symbol of remembrance would do right to beware the British Stiff Upper Lip, that trembles ever so slightly when they do these acts.
I'm sure it won't be too long before the British reserve is broken.
I'm quite happy for them to adopt our culture etc. What I'm not happy about is the disrespect shown to our culture at almost every turn by these extremists. Combined with a total refusal to integrate into the society of their adopted country. Yet they reap the benefits of living amongst us.

Do you think the freedoms they enjoy are the ones our grandfathers fought for at Ypres, Passchendaele, Mons and the Somme?
I don't think they are. I'm quite sure our forefathers didn't fight for their memory to be disrespected by anyone. They didn't fight so some Muslim idiots should stir up hatred and speak of dominating the west.
Perhaps the Guardianista's amongst us believe they fought and gave the ultimate sacrifice for this proud nation to be walked all over by all and sundry. I don't.
These scum that defiled a symbol of remembrance would do right to beware the British Stiff Upper Lip, that trembles ever so slightly when they do these acts.
I'm sure it won't be too long before the British reserve is broken.
What a load of pompous outdated crap... :rolleyes:

First and foremost 'our forefathers' above all else fought for their own survival after being conned into those killing fields...

Secondly, as now, it was the politicians on both sides who were strutting around like raging bulls saying 'my army is better than yours'...

If that makes you proud, then you have learned nothing fromn history..

So what if someone wishes to show their displeasure for whatever reason, in whatever way they wish - I though 'being british' was to be tolerant..

The reaction you make is exactly the one they want you to....better to ignore rather than get all in a lather about it!

As for the 'stiff upper lip'...that disappeared years ago :LOL:

What do they actually produce of any worth? can't think of anything ?
In many cases, before we (the west) invaded them of course, their culture and scientific achievements rivalled anything we had at the time. Of course we plundered their resources, so is it any wonder if some are after a bit of 'payback'?

State sanctioned torture is the norm
Yeah, and we do nothing of the sort do we... :rolleyes:
Round our way there's a hell of a lot of young to middle aged Muslims go into the local pubs and the bookies too.
We reckon on a Friday afternoon, at least 25% of the Muslim men leaving the mosque either head for William Hill's or the local for a few pints.

I seem to recall that taking the precise word of the koran it doesn't actually ban alcohol , it simply refers to forbiding the "fermented juice of the grape".
So to be pedantic muslims could actually drink beer (or for that matter cider, whiskey, vodka , rum and the like) and still be pious if they so wish. I may be wrong here perhaps someone has read the koran more than me, or at all.
O dear, I see the poor deluded, slightly lefty do gooding fools post here too, those that have sold our country down the river, those that dont mind the English (I use English because thats in the country I live in) being ethnically cleansed from cities, those that vote Labour and agree that we should let in thousand of immigrants every year to burden out welfare system, a system set up to help our poor, not the worlds poor, people who dont mind that a Muslim is taught that they will inherit the earth, terriorising, beheading or converting the Kuffir if they dont submit.

You silly silly people who think that you are standing on the side of whats good and righteous are backing the wrong religion, a vile, hateful polictical ideology that does not tolerate any non believers, if the fateful day comes when they (I'll say it, I'm not shy.. the muslims) control the country, your weak willed, limp wristed, back boneless collaborating head will be the first to be cut off, they hare everybody thats not a muzzy.

Dont believe me?, ask any muslim that you might know to condem the actions of today (most of the country ARE upset about this) and they WILL NOT condem them.. why? because its bad in allahs eyes to speak out against a fellow muslim brother, ask them, if Islam ruled would they talk to you, would they try to convert you or kill you?

Aristotles' words ring in our patriotic ears..
Tolerance And Apathy Are The Last Virtues Of A Dying Society
it will take more bombs before people wake up to what is going to happen
I think letting Anjem and his divvies have their 'protest' this sunday will wake up a few people...
I think the police should have let them have their protest in Whitehall then turned their backs whilst justice was dished out. ;) ;)
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