Muslim protesters set fire to Giant Poppy on Armistice Day

what these people don't realise is that they are actually insulting their own religious kind because they fought in world war 2 as well.............
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Despite this story doing the rounds on Facebook and the web, I did not see it anywhere on the main news bulletins yesterday or today.

Was this purposely left out of the news to avoid the likely public backlash?
I think the police should have let them have their protest in Whitehall then turned their backs whilst justice was dished out. ;) ;)
Usually it's plod themselves dishing out your warped idea of 'justice'... ;)
I think the police should have let them have their protest in Whitehall then turned their backs whilst justice was dished out. ;) ;)
Usually it's plod themselves dishing out your warped idea of 'justice'... ;)

change the word "usually" for the words "very very occasionally" and you might have a point, otherwise where's your evidence?
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change the word "usually" for the words "very very occasionally" and you might have a point, otherwise where's your evidence?

You must be related to that corgi 'what's his name' person...

evidence/proof?'s right in front of your collective noses, but you choose to ignore it!

so no change there then... ;)
change the word "usually" for the words "very very occasionally" and you might have a point, otherwise where's your evidence?

You must be related to that corgi 'what's his name' person...

evidence/proof?'s right in front of your collective noses, but you choose to ignore it!

so no change there then... ;)

what you said was a bit like saying "passenger jets nearly always crash".. (although that's not my best example to use with you !!! ) but if you look at the activity of the police force, they're literally active 24/7... that is, they're stopping cars now, helping family of murdered people right now, searching for crims, looking into failed terrorist bomb plots as we speak... so it's fair to say that 99.99999999% of their activities is not about the sort of carp you refer to !! so you reckon.... USUALLY...., the police act outside of the law? :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I wouldn't be surprised if the poppy burning thing was the work of the EDL paying some brown people to protest.

Many radical muslim websites are secretly made by Jews to help poison the world against Islam.

Blimey, these Jews must be really persuasive people. Managing to get those muslims to take flying lessons, so that they could land airliners in the twin towers. Really gets the message across!
They don't have a reasonable answer to this so they resort to conspiracy theories.
" It's the Jews." How sublime.
"It's the Americans." Expected. "
It's the CIA." Don't be ridiculous, they ain't that clever.
"It's the British Government." How absurd.

They keep asking for evidence/proof, Well it's well documented. What more proof do they want?
Perhaps time to take those rose tinted spectacles off and realise that the images on the TV and in the press are actually real.

Ask any Muslim you meet on the street and ask them if they are willing to condone these despicable acts. The answer will be NO. Although, in the papers Muslim leaders will speak out against these acts,,,, They are only words.
What we need is action by moderate Muslims. Let them report extremists (they won't for fear of reprisals from their community as a whole)
Where's my proof?
I think the police should have let them have their protest in Whitehall then turned their backs whilst justice was dished out. ;) ;)
Usually it's plod themselves dishing out your warped idea of 'justice'... ;)

Your not far wrong mate, but its against the English, just search youtube, altho the UAF are a sworn enemy of what I believe in, theres a vid of a copper in full riot gear, hitting a UAF activist, in the face with his armoured glove, not once, a few times till he was knocked to the ground.. totally out of order.. any demo that the MDL and EDL have clashed you will see blood soaked English that have been bashed by the OB.. no muslims so why.. they probably know that muslims are told to help, protect and fight for fellow muslims and if they bash one the whole lot will propbably take to the streets, shouting racial abuse and the beheading of the copper that did the bashing.

The government would poo itself and spend 10 million on a fully televised investigation and court trail to let the muslim world that they are doing something about this terrible act of violence against one of there 'brothers'

Another act of treason against us and appeasement for them.
I truly believe that we ignore Muslim extremists at our own peril.
moderate Muslims talk about Islam being the religion of peace, whilst these extremists preach hatred, domination and death.
Well I for one can't see a religion of peace, dominating the west. I could possibly see a religion of hate try to dominate the west.

Al that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Quite honestly, that's what seems to be happening here. Moderate Muslims are good people, yet they do nothing.
what you said was a bit like saying "passenger jets nearly always crash".. (although that's not my best example to use with you !!! ) but if you look at the activity of the police force, they're literally active 24/7... that is, they're stopping cars now, helping family of murdered people right now, searching for crims, looking into failed terrorist bomb plots as we speak... so it's fair to say that 99.99999999% of their activities is not about the sort of carp you refer to !! so you reckon.... USUALLY...., the police act outside of the law? :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It's funny you should mention 'terrorists'...

Of course they did stop and search 101,248 'terrorists' last year...well when I say 'terrorists', maybe that should be 'suspected terrorists'...

No, that should read the police misused their powers 101,248 times in one year alone, and is but a single example of abuse of power ...

And the number of actual 'terrorists' found?...well I'll leave you to work that out, but it does come out as less than 1 ;)
I truly believe that we ignore Muslim extremists at our own peril.
moderate Muslims talk about Islam being the religion of peace, whilst these extremists preach hatred, domination and death.
Well I for one can't see a religion of peace, dominating the west. I could possibly see a religion of hate try to dominate the west.

Al that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Quite honestly, that's what seems to be happening here. Moderate Muslims are good people, yet they do nothing.
Just out of interest, what would you want 'moderate moslems' to do and what would happen if they did what you say?

Millions of 'moderate english folk' tried to stop illegal wars against majority islamic countries, and yet they were ignored...

Why do you think that they will be able to exert any influence over their extremists when we can do nothing about our own extremists?
These Muslims also forget the large amount of Muslims who gave their lives for Britain during both World Wars.

During WW2 the Indian Army was made up of Muslim's, Sikh's and Hindu's.
The majority of the Indian Army were Muslim and saw action in North Africa, Italy and in the East.
Many lost their lives fighting for our freedom.
These Muslims disrespect themselves too.
Or maybe they are just anti-war...

Anything wrong with that?...or should we all 'glory in the slaughter'?

Haig was a war criminal in my book!
And bush and blair and on and on oh and have a look what our Churchill did to them, bet you'll love this.
Theres nothing abusive in this post so please do'nt remove it mods like you removed my other posts, which also had nothing bad in them. :rolleyes:

If you are going to remove anything then remove this whole thread cos it's getting extremely repetetive, it's like alcoholics anon. ;)
No such thing as a moderate muslim.. you are either a muslim.. or not.
Thanks for clearing that up.... :rolleyes:

And I see that the UAF* (Unite Against Fascism) are a 'sworn enemy of what you believe in' are you a fascist?

Or are you a member of/admire the 'English D*ckhead Legion'?

Just wondering where you are coming from...

*btw I'm sorry if you meant UAF as in 'University Admissions Finland', but all these abreviations makes one's life so difficult... :D
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