Muslims Outraged

BTW, the complainant is a local councillor who sits on The Police Joint Board. He raised the issue following a number of complaints to him by his constituents who asked him what he could do about it. The police did not apologise per se but explained that, had they known it would cause offence, they would not have used it [okay the difference is subtle]

The more factual reports are in the local Tayside press.

Anyhoo, just goes to underline the original point about the current state of The UK.
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On a pedantic note, as in the picture of Chaudary posted above, does the apostrophe mean the same in Arabic and, if so, what letter is missing?
Also, how does anyone know? - as the original would, according to Google, be
I just want to learn.
An 'apostrophe' in arabic words (when written in English) denotes a glottal stop (ie, like when yobs pronounce the word 'tattoo' as 'ta'oo'!).
Thanks. I have learnt. :)
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Any idiot can complain about anything they like but the police are the t*ssers for apologising to them. If everyone told them to f*** off when they complain, they would soon get fed up.
Exactly. That's the real problem.
The more we bow down to their demands, the more demands they make.
Why haven't the powers that be noticed this?
Just about sums this dumba$$ country up. Hundreds of crimes committed by ROP in Rotherham - police, etc look the other way. One ROP complains about a picture of a puppy, and the whole 'pc' police 'service' goes into grovel mode.

But hand on a minute....................................Supporting a terrorist organisation is a criminal offence. But perfectly OK to wander around London waving an ISIS flag. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So, how does this work? It is now a legal requirement for schools to confront radicalisation amongst their pupils - but OK for Met police to allow extreme islamonutters to wander around waving the terrorists' standard. This country is really screwed up.
Just about sums this dumba$$ country up. Hundreds of crimes committed by ROP in Rotherham - police, etc look the other way. One ROP complains about a picture of a puppy, and the whole 'pc' police 'service' goes into grovel mode.

But hand on a minute....................................Supporting a terrorist organisation is a criminal offence. But perfectly OK to wander around London waving an ISIS flag. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So, how does this work? It is now a legal requirement for schools to confront radicalisation amongst their pupils - but OK for Met police to allow extreme islamonutters to wander around waving the terrorists' standard. This country is really screwed up.
According to the Telegraph:
'Extremists can display Isil flags in London because Britain is a "free country", Boris Johnson has suggested.'

Funny, that.
It seems to me that in this "free country" if you are of a certain ethnic group you are at liberty to rape white children whilst the police, social services and local councils agree to turn a blind eye.

As I've said before, some of us are more equal than others.
Yeah, free country. Tell that to people like the God-bothering bakers who got crucified for refusing to bake a cake. This country is rotten to the core.
Yeah, free country. Tell that to people like the God-bothering bakers who got crucified for refusing to bake a cake. This country is rotten to the core.

You mean people who openly discrimated against a customer on the basis of sexuality? Could they refuse to bake a cake for Muslims, or Christians, or Germans?

This country is certainly not rotten to the core, it is a very good country. But there is some extreme nonsense. For decades we had open discrimination against blacks for example. Quite wrong. Today things are much better, less bigoted. Do you really want to live in a country where someone can be barred from a hotel because they are black? Or comedians making jokes about disabled people? Unfortunately there are some extreme left wing nutters. And many have power. Harriet Harperson is vile. Some of these lefties are as bigoted as the bigots they claim to oppose. And sadly they bully people. Hence the inability for years of the media to discuss immigration without the race card being played. Disgusting. That was part of the problem with the Northern Pakistani paedophile gangs. Too many left wing bullies attacking anyone who criticised any ethnic minority person. That is why extremist Muslims were allowed to openly preach hate. Imagine what would happen if the same was allowed for so-called whites. You'd have criminality increasing, Muslims saying "Those damned whites have no respect, bumch of criminals".

What worries me is not Muslims, the vast majority are harmless, despite their vilification by many, it's the EU, a bunch of patronising bureacrats creating a super state, open to manipulation by big business. It is big business that wants free migration of labour, and free trade. It is anti democratic. Does anyone even know who their Euro MP is?
Yeah, free country. Tell that to people like the God-bothering bakers who got crucified for refusing to bake a cake. This country is rotten to the core.

You mean people who openly discrimated against a customer on the basis of sexuality? Could they refuse to bake a cake for Muslims, or Christians, or Germans?

And if a muslim baker had refused the same people. Can you guarantee that it would have been handled in the same way?

You're entitled to think what you want, but any country that tries to ignore hundreds of crimes because they were committed by a certain section of the population against another section is storing up big problems for the future. Once again, can you guarantee that if it was caucasian men grooming underage Asian girls (but then why would they?) the situation would have been ignored in the same way? I will restate that a country that lets down it's own, vulnerable young people for political expediency is rotten with a capital 'R'. You seem to be forgetting the victims in all of this.
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