Nadhim Zahawi?

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The fact is you don’t like the fact that some people made different life choices and now have more money than you.
hardly gets to this...
And how does the proportion compare to the population at large?

No doubt your next accusation will be that I am only asking this because I am an uneducated illiterate.

You have already claimed that unfair taxes are only unfair because I am poor.
Its stretch at best. The kind of stretch you'd see if you attached an elephant to a rubber band and asked it to bungie jump.

but it is true the wealthy donate to the Conservative party and lobby MPs, they do so in exchange for influence over policy for competitive advantage, which includes taxation.

Why do you think the housing crisis never gets resolved, just gets worse: because wealthy people use property as an investment. People who are poorer get trapped in rent. Rent is literally a way for poor people to create capital for rich people. And it’s no surprise land and property owners are Tory voters.

Is it fair Starbucks pays a few percent of corp tax whilst an independent coffee shop pays full corp tax?

I don't know much about business rates, but I reckon plenty of independent coffee shops would be eligible for rate reduction/relief, which the bigger chains wouldn't get.
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I don't know much about business rates, but I reckon plenty of independent coffee shops would be eligible for rate reduction/relief, which the bigger chains wouldn't get.
It's nothing to do with the size of the business. I get 100% rate relief on my workshop. So would Amazon if they owned it.
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