Nadhim Zahawi?

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You can't simply imply people with fewer abilities or entitlements 'make choices' in comparison to priviliged upper class nobs who gouge the tax system to their own advantage. That's absurd.
and you can't simply imply people with higher incomes are priviliged upper class nobs who gouge the tax system to their own advantage.

I think most people think they pay too much tax and others get away with paying less.
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Boris Johnson scrapped any morals or honour in parliament.

back in the old days ministers resigned if they were found wanting, not anymore.
Used to be ex Prime ministers would keep a low profile so that their replacement could get on with the job.
This doesn't appear to be the case with Boris, he is back on the front pages again looking for attention.
He reckons he could pull off another landslide victory for the Tories again.
Given the quality of the opposition, Boris could maybe do it.
Never say never.!
and you can't simply imply people with higher incomes are priviliged upper class nobs who gouge the tax system to their own advantage.

I think most people think they pay too much tax and others get away with paying less.
I'm saying it, not implying.
The evidence is clear.
Look for yourself.
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Plenty of ordinary working people, who didn't go to posh schools or own stately homes, fit in to the top 5% or 1% income bracket.
The top 5% pay 50% of all income tax. The top 1% pay nearly 30%.


and you can't simply imply people with higher incomes are priviliged upper class nobs who gouge the tax system to their own advantage.

I think most people think they pay too much tax and others get away with paying less.
I think the point you are trying to make is that the tax laws apply equally to everybody.

However the system of taxation does not
and you can't simply imply people with higher incomes are priviliged upper class nobs who gouge the tax system to their own advantage
but it is true the wealthy donate to the Conservative party and lobby MPs, they do so in exchange for influence over policy for competitive advantage, which includes taxation.

Why do you think the housing crisis never gets resolved, just gets worse: because wealthy people use property as an investment. People who are poorer get trapped in rent. Rent is literally a way for poor people to create capital for rich people. And it’s no surprise land and property owners are Tory voters.

Is it fair Starbucks pays a few percent of corp tax whilst an independent coffee shop pays full corp tax?
several million..
And how does the proportion compare to the population at large?

No doubt your next accusation will be that I am only asking this because I am an uneducated illiterate.

You have already claimed that unfair taxes are only unfair because I am poor.
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