Nelson Mandela

And nor have most of them pulling that statue down...
was the benefit of the pulling the statue down only for those who did it?
if it was then you have a point, is it wasn't you are implying racism does not exist.

good grief the amount of dishonest debating around this issue is unreal.
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Racism and Bigotry is taught.
ah so education plays a part.

Mmm so having a statue venerating a slave trader, not so good: it teaches us that a slave trader is considered a good person, so good they should be commemorated with a statue that has a plaque that doesnt mention slavery.
All these ethnics who are constantly moaning about racism in the UK, should maybe look to moving to some other countries which may be more to their liking.

Places like the Congo or Zimbabwe are nice at this time of year.
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was the benefit of the pulling the statue down only for those who did it?
if it was then you have a point, is it wasn't you are implying racism does not exist.

good grief the amount of dishonest debating around this issue is unreal.

Until you and your oik admit racism isnt just a white nans rant then you will never solve anything.
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ah so education plays a part.

Mmm so having a statue venerating a slave trader, not so good: it teaches us that a slave trader is considered a good person, so good they should be commemorated with a statue that has a plaque that doesnt mention slavery.
Notcheous...educate..not mob pull down
Do not be numb
was the benefit of the pulling the statue down only for those who did it?
if it was then you have a point, is it wasn't you are implying racism does not exist.

good grief the amount of dishonest debating around this issue is unreal.

Not sure a criminal record for the perps is much of a benefit, and yes, I do believe they should be prosecuted.
No idea which school you attended but my curriculum did not include criminal damage of public property i disagreed with,maybe yours did.
yet another childish strawman.

sometimes protests are required in order to create a shock that drives social change for the common good.

before these protests I never saw you campaigning for more awareness of slavery
Not sure a criminal record for the perps is much of a benefit, and yes, I do believe they should be prosecuted.
Of course they should be prosecuted, the protesters knowingly committed criminal damage.
Of course they should be prosecuted, the protesters knowingly committed criminal damage.

Indeed, the protest is largely about inequality, so, in an equitable light, they must be bound by the same laws as the rest (well, most) of us.
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