Never Forget These Scoundrels

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Is it going to change its name to lead by more donkees. Sad reflection of our lives that tne principle reason for starmys super majority will not be his economic policies but because people don't like the toreys anymore.
Is it going to change its name to lead by more donkees. Sad reflection of our lives that tne principle reason for starmys super majority will not be his economic policies but because people don't like the toreys anymore.
What are his economic policies?
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Yep rock and a hard place over the pond Trump or Biden equally bad. How did we become so stupid arent we evolving anymore ? We are voting in a 2nd class bunch of amateurs with no backbone and kicking out the parasite..
Direct replacements being elected today except this lot will be raising taxes even more

Since 2010 the number of food banks has risen from 35 to over 1200.
Do you think they’ll go back down if Labour get in?
During the last Labour government 40,000 people relied on food banks instead of 3.1 million. People lived half a year longer, and children were taller.

We’re all in this together,” George Osborne, then chancellor, told the Tory party conference in 2012. Odd, then, that austerity hit disabled people nine times harder and slashed the incomes of the poorest by a tenth, while making no difference to the richest.

14 years of Pain.

"Things can only get better."
Yep rock and a hard place over the pond Trump or Biden equally bad. How did we become so stupid arent we evolving anymore ? We are voting in a 2nd class bunch of amateurs with no backbone and kicking out the parasite..

Unfortunately capitalisms downsides were never addressed so we have politics of contortion in the same breath we will export more and invest more they will cut more and export less.

All societes fail on a long enough timeline.
Do you think they’ll go back down if Labour get in?

Well if Tories remain and we look at their record then they would only go up.

So your options are a) definitely go up or b) may come down
They're all a bunch of scumbags.
All of them left, right and centre.
No matter what party they're in.

That is incorrect.

The problem is with the system as a whole - good and decent MPs are emasculated by the dross and scum atop their party.
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