New building regs Part P. Electrical safety - read me!

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More news for you:

1) The Queen Mother has died

2) George W Bush won the US Presidential election, but we're all hoping he won't win again in 2004

3) Much of Europe now has a single currency called the Euro.
ban-all-sheds said:
More news for you:

1) The Queen Mother has died

2) George W Bush won the US Presidential election, but we're all hoping he won't win again in 2004

3) Much of Europe now has a single currency called the Euro.

Just how unnecceserily sarcastic can one get, It's remarks like that which turns a good forum into a cesspit,
"World_of_Woodchip" was only trying to help, Unlike some people eh?
kavozzy said:
Just how unnecceserily sarcastic can one get, It's remarks like that which turns a good forum into a cesspit,
"World_of_Woodchip" was only trying to help, Unlike some people eh?
I don't think there's any limit whatsoever to the sarcasm warranted for the posting of old old old old news about a topic which has been done to death here so many many many many times...
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kavozzy said:
ban-all-sheds said:
More news for you:

1) The Queen Mother has died

2) George W Bush won the US Presidential election, but we're all hoping he won't win again in 2004

3) Much of Europe now has a single currency called the Euro.

Just how unnecceserily sarcastic can one get, It's remarks like that which turns a good forum into a cesspit,
"World_of_Woodchip" was only trying to help, Unlike some people eh?
it has been discussed to death
kavozzy said:
Just how unnecceserily sarcastic can one get, It's remarks like that which turns a good forum into a cesspit,
"World_of_Woodchip" was only trying to help, Unlike some people eh?

Hello kavozzy, i see what you are saying, but you are new to this forum ( welcome aboard) As has been said part p has literally been done to death on this forum, it is annoying that new people do not read the rules in particular item 1. so by "breaking the rules" you get sarcasm. most of us regulars are sick and tired of it, if only people would search before they post and give information that is relevant to the job, and dome get the "hump" when they are told they are not competant to do the job. No one gets paid on these forums, so we can only judge by what we read.
give it a couple of years and part P will probablly become just another unenforced building reg that few people care about like so many others before it.
Sorry if you got a rough first ride world_of_woodchip. I've been there, done that, found out that everybody had tee-shirts already. :confused:

Don't be put off. You can learn a lot if you stick around here. ;)
Damn, that's a surprise about the Queen Mother! I sure hope that GW doesn't get in again and I haven't seen Elvis about for a while either.

I have found that sarcastic people are generally socially inadequate in some way - not a criticism, just an observation.

If info on Part P were that easy to find, perhaps I wouldn't have bothered suggesting a source.

If it has been done to death then perhaps ban-all-sheds may have been kind enough to suggest other good sources of information or perhaps even a definitive source of good guidance on the subject, but hey, just really annoy people instead!

Have a nice easter-unless you have other plans of course.
world_of_woodchip said:
I have found that sarcastic people are generally socially inadequate in some way - not a criticism, just an observation.

If info on Part P were that easy to find, perhaps I wouldn't have bothered suggesting a source.
Most people don't seem to have a problem...

If it has been done to death then perhaps ban-all-sheds may have been kind enough to suggest other good sources of information or perhaps even a definitive source of good guidance on the subject, but hey, just really annoy people instead!
The fact is, it has been done to death, as you would have known if you'd taken the trouble to look before posting.
Try the ODPM website. There you will find (the latest) versions of the original statutory instrument, the long version of advice on how to comply with it, and the easy one page leaflet for the public. regrettably these three sometimes appear slightly contradictory. Ah, well,

What it might cost you get the council in, and what they might ask you to do in order to comply with the regs also various fromone to the next.

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