After a reorganisation of my little bedroom office/small item workshop/printer room, a couple of days ago, to make it more usable - I awoke at 2am during last night, and decided to, rather waste the wakefulness, have a go at waking up my old WinXP desktop. It hadn't been used for around a decade, apart from it hadn't worked a few years ago, with some complaint about no boot disk.
Once in the BIOS, it was obvious, it was attempting to boot from CD. Having fixed that, it booted up, but had no access to the Internet, or LAN. It was set on a fixed IP, a range no longer part of my LAN. Once changed to DHCP an IP, from my router it began working fully. The first thing it did, was log into my old Tiscali email, and grab all the mass of spam, accumulated since the last time it connected. Surprised it was still able to login to Tiscali, after all the threats they made after I changed ISP's, to switch off my email account, unless I paid a premium to keep it live, which I never did.
I was surprised at just how quick, neat and usable that old desktop was, compared to my Win10 and 11 systems.
Next job, will be to see if I can fire up my big old WinXP laptop.