New soil pipe queries - turns and vents

Thanks guys. So assuming I can move the toilet above the main straight run with a 90 bend up to the toilet and an AAV which also provides access... Would a single T or 90 with access to make a drop shaft into the clay be passable?
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As shown here (love drawing on mac)... inspection chamber down the bottom, current vent stack is off the other run into it.

Toilet> branch with AAV ontop > 92.5 bend > ~5m straight run at 1:40 > branch to connect to clay existing down pipe towards chamber.

Soil pipe routing 1.jpg
You must do CAD design for a living!!

I think that would work, is the vent external?

How’s about:
A new venture maybe! But i'll have to learn tricks like emoticons in pipework first....

The stink pipe is currently outside the back of the house which we will be extending so it would have to be moved again in the not too distant future but that route is possibly a possible one.

I've already stuck the main long run in and through a couple of walls hence why i'm more keen to do my layout, but if its no good it's no good!
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I’m sure it will be fine. Gravity will do its thing and as long as you chamfer and grease your plastic joints and get the clay to plastic aligned right it will be reet (y)
Lined up like so - but now I am considering your routing.might be better. Not sure why I didn't consider it before.

If its underfloor and wont be exposed to sunlight, you can use underground pipe, (the orange stuff), it's cheaper. Keep the grey for above ground external work. ;)

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