New to Storage Heaters

How about moving your current clamp at the meter to the OFF PEAK tail (either of the two which goes to the off peak fuseboard, can't see in the pic).

This would log all usage which is switched by the combined meter/teleswitch.

Incidently - Does your boost button work on the meter? I have seen several of these meters, and the button is disabled.
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That's a great idea, I will move it now actually.

No the button don't seem to do anything.
I can see it is using 2.3kW right now, should it be running now?

I've turned off the convection heater FCU.
I can see it is using 2.3kW right now, should it be running now?

I've turned off the convection heater FCU.

It all depends on the tariff you have, hopefully using tomorrows readings we can see ;)
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Looking at 24hr usage with the clamp on the off peak tail will give us an idea of what is happening.

Could be that the off peak is stuck on, and the peaks on the chart are the storage rad thermostat turning on and off.

Can you test for voltage at all in your peak CU? I don't suppose there is an RCD in the peak CU that you could press the test button on? RCD's will only trip with power connected.

Can you take some pics of the fuseboxes? Are there three? difficult to work out what the smaller meter is for. Which tail have you put the clamp on?
Could be that the off peak is stuck on, and the peaks on the chart are the storage rad thermostat turning on and off.

If that were the case I would expect the heater to be cycling on and off continuously, giving a peak every 30 minutes or thereabouts?
Cheers guys,

I will post a new chart tomorrow evening with clamp now on only off peak meter.
Sure, will do.

It is on the one marked 1, first red one on the left of the meter.
Thats the supply into that meter - It's switched output is one of the two greys on the far right at the back.

One is usually on all the time, and the other is only on when meter switches it. Not sure which is which TBH though.

Is the smaller meter measuring your normal lecky usage (lights etc?).

The larger meter perhaps recording the peak heating usage (convectors/water), and the off peak switched for the storage?

Do you have three meter readings on your bills?
I only moved in here on Thursday, so have no bills.

When I phoned up to open the account, they asked for only two readings, the one from this meter, and one from the little meter on the right. There are no other readings. They said the account is on a specialist heating rate, and the average bill is £66 a month.
On the large meter, you press the blue display button to view different "rates". Is there only one shown?

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