NI Protocol - Windsor Framework

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ReeSmugg says that he hopes the UK can revert back to Imperial measurements too.

Would the public flogging of traitorous MP's be considered barbaric?

No public flogging would not be acceptable

This is the UK not some backward dire ear a Stan country
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This is the UK not some backward dire ear a Stan country
But Brexer MP's want the country to do badly, want NI agreements to implode and revert to a backwards system. Surely this is treachery and should be punished?
Now this is irony. After all your claims of wanting harsh punishments

No irony at all

Death penalty under certain circumstances yes

Public flogging and such like are best left to the back ward dire ear a Stan places run by the mad muller fruit cakes
But Brexer MP's want the country to do badly, want NI to implode and revert to a backwards system. Surely this is treachery and should be punished?

Well I will leave that to you noseall you can seek advice on it from the taliban and the Iranian fruit cakes
How do I get in touch?
However, you agree ReesMugg should be punished.

Punished for what ?

As to how you get in touch with the Iranian mad mullers

You could try the Islamic centre in Maida Vale west London ? Which is dupppsedly run by a rep with links to the regime of the Iranian supreme leader

They may be able to help May even be able to arrange a visa ???
No examples then ?

Financial services passporting.
Bi valve mollusc exports.
Delays in UK involvement in EU programmes such as Horizon and Copernicus despite being agreed in the TCA.
Customs checks on UK goods far outnumbering checks on other 3rd countries goods.
etc etc etc.
Punished for what ?

As to how you get in touch with the Iranian mad mullers
Are there no sane ones?

You seem to be a big advocate of Muslim style revenge/retribution, I'll bet you have an email address?

Or perhaps your fondness for torture could be applied to those that cause misery to millions of UK citizens?

Are there no sane ones?

You seem to be a big advocate of Muslim style revenge/retribution, I'll bet you have an email address?

Or perhaps your fondness for torture could be applied to those that cause misery to millions of UK citizens?

More made up nonsense made up
By noseall to fit yer narrative

Best not bother taking yer ski kit to

Any sane ones in the regime ??

I doubt it
Be all as it may ?? But it was always there intent to cause issues / damage to the UK for daring to leave the club
The UK can apply to re-join the club any time it wants, as a social member or fully paid up.

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