No 10 sitting on Report concerning Russian Interference

So you do acknowledge it was in the Maastricht treaty all along, you denied it at the time. The problem with you and Galahad is any argument you raise is built on shifting sands, you lose the argument and shift the debate onto another point then another until eventually you find a little titbit and pretend that was the original argument all along.
As for proof the EU were the architects of austerity.
The terms were put into the treaty, we signed the treaty, we abided by the treaty and implemented austerity, as did half of Europe.
Are you saying that didn't happen?

Do you lie to your friends and family ?

Lying seems second nature to you.
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Do you lie to your friends and family ?

Lying seems second nature to you.

ok, here's the start of it all, who's the liar?

G'had "For purely ideological reasons they enforced austerity and then for ideological reasons they are enforcing Brexit.

Look at whats happened with Austerity, they are now trying to reverse it, perhaps thats a good indicator of what we will do with Brexit.

Reverse crap policies."

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Me: Had Labour been in power, there would still have been austerity measures, much as there was throughout Europe.
Here's Alastair Darling saying as much:

In fact the EU is the very driver of austerity, it's actually written into the Maastricht treaty (article 104):
General government budget deficits must not exceed three per cent of GDP, it's also in the stability and growth pact.
That's why they forced austerity on Greece and Italy, and virtually all of southern Europe
(although in 2003 France and Germany excused themselves from such tiresome rules).

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Notch: I guess you need to read article 104C again old bean, apart from anything else it doesnt mention 3%

Do come back once youve understood it, I could with a laugh :ROFLMAO:

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G'had: Sillyboy and Festy Google search kings but have no idea what they are on about.

The UK was in EDP but was exempt from those requirements you mentioned.

10.1The EU’s Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) requires all Member States to maintain a budget deficit of less than three per cent of GDP, and to keep their government debt below 60 per cent of GDP. In 2008 the EU placed the UK in an Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) under the SGP, after the Government’s budget deficit rose above the three per cent threshold.108 Although EU law provides for sanctions where Member States do not correct budgetary imbalances when they are subject to an EDP,109 the UK is exempt from these by virtue of Protocol 15 to the Treaties.

Read a bit about MTO and the reforms of SGP. (y)

The EU has given us a brilliant deal - idiots who voted for Brexit have no clue.

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Note at this stage how G'had states the UK is exempt from the requirements, but if you read his reply and links clearly, we are not exempt from the requirements, only from sanctions or punishment if we fail to abide by the terms, that's quite a difference.

ME: It was exempt for a while Galahad, read your own links mate.

10.2The other Member States confirmed the existence of a persistent budget deficit in the UK in April 2009 and in June 2015, although they recognised that the Government had implemented a fiscal consolidation programme following the financial crisis. The European Commission in November 2017 published its latest economic forecasts, which showed that the UK’s deficit had decreased to 2.3 per cent in 2016–17, and was expected to remain below 3 per cent over the forecast horizon in 2020.

10.3Based on these new statistics, the EU’s Finance Ministers on 5 December 2017 formally abrogated the UK’s Excessive Deficit Procedure. This means the UK is now subject to the “preventative arm” of the Stability and Growth Pact, where the Commission monitors government debt and deficit but no policy recommendations are made unless there is a perceived risk that the SGP’s thresholds could be exceeded.

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Notch: Go and read the Maastricht treay -it doesnt say that.

In any case the wiki page refers to the Eurozone, whats that got to do with Tory Austerity.

Fillyboy is clutching at straws trying to argue something he doesnt understand :ROFLMAO:

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ME: OK, lets do this in stages to make it as simple as possible for you and your friends to understand.

1. Here is the Maastricht treaty.

OK, click on the link, go to article 104C (page 27) which refers to excessive government debt/deficits, the limits of and states that the reference values for the debt/deficit to gdp levels will be annexed to the treaty.

The relevant part of the annexe is article 1 (page 183) which states the reference values, ie, deficit should not exceed 3% of GDP and debt should not exceed 60% of gdp.

I hope this helps.

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Notch: Oh dear oh dear.

Poor old Fillyboy.

He shouldnt try and involve himself in things he doesnt understand.


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I apologise to others if this is boring, but I refuse to be bullied by a couple of leftard liars, who say one thing and deny it the next day, they really are quite pathetic.
who say one thing and deny it the next day, they really are quite pathetic.

Nowhere in your long post do you provide any proof that the Tory government was influenced in its budgetry decisions by EU excessive debt procedure.

You havent, because you cant.
You either cant understand or cant accept, either way, it is not my problem, the facts stand for themselves.
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Nowhere in your long post do you provide any proof that the Tory government was influenced in its budgetry decisions by EU excessive debt procedure.

You havent, because you cant.
You either cant understand or cant accept, either way, it is not my problem, the facts stand for themselves.

There's more than enough in there to show up you and G'had for the liars that you are though.
There's more than enough in there to show up you and G'had for the liars that you are though.

ok, here's the start of it all, who's the liar?

G'had "For purely ideological reasons they enforced austerity and then for ideological reasons they are enforcing Brexit.

Look at whats happened with Austerity, they are now trying to reverse it, perhaps thats a good indicator of what we will do with Brexit.

Reverse crap policies."

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Me: Had Labour been in power, there would still have been austerity measures, much as there was throughout Europe.
Here's Alastair Darling saying as much:

In fact the EU is the very driver of austerity, it's actually written into the Maastricht treaty (article 104):
General government budget deficits must not exceed three per cent of GDP, it's also in the stability and growth pact.
That's why they forced austerity on Greece and Italy, and virtually all of southern Europe
(although in 2003 France and Germany excused themselves from such tiresome rules).

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Notch: I guess you need to read article 104C again old bean, apart from anything else it doesnt mention 3%

Do come back once youve understood it, I could with a laugh :ROFLMAO:

Read more:

G'had: Sillyboy and Festy Google search kings but have no idea what they are on about.

The UK was in EDP but was exempt from those requirements you mentioned.

10.1The EU’s Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) requires all Member States to maintain a budget deficit of less than three per cent of GDP, and to keep their government debt below 60 per cent of GDP. In 2008 the EU placed the UK in an Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) under the SGP, after the Government’s budget deficit rose above the three per cent threshold.108 Although EU law provides for sanctions where Member States do not correct budgetary imbalances when they are subject to an EDP,109 the UK is exempt from these by virtue of Protocol 15 to the Treaties.

Read a bit about MTO and the reforms of SGP. (y)

The EU has given us a brilliant deal - idiots who voted for Brexit have no clue.

Read more:

Note at this stage how G'had states the UK is exempt from the requirements, but if you read his reply and links clearly, we are not exempt from the requirements, only from sanctions or punishment if we fail to abide by the terms, that's quite a difference.

ME: It was exempt for a while Galahad, read your own links mate.

10.2The other Member States confirmed the existence of a persistent budget deficit in the UK in April 2009 and in June 2015, although they recognised that the Government had implemented a fiscal consolidation programme following the financial crisis. The European Commission in November 2017 published its latest economic forecasts, which showed that the UK’s deficit had decreased to 2.3 per cent in 2016–17, and was expected to remain below 3 per cent over the forecast horizon in 2020.

10.3Based on these new statistics, the EU’s Finance Ministers on 5 December 2017 formally abrogated the UK’s Excessive Deficit Procedure. This means the UK is now subject to the “preventative arm” of the Stability and Growth Pact, where the Commission monitors government debt and deficit but no policy recommendations are made unless there is a perceived risk that the SGP’s thresholds could be exceeded.

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Notch: Go and read the Maastricht treay -it doesnt say that.

In any case the wiki page refers to the Eurozone, whats that got to do with Tory Austerity.

Fillyboy is clutching at straws trying to argue something he doesnt understand :ROFLMAO:

Read more:

ME: OK, lets do this in stages to make it as simple as possible for you and your friends to understand.

1. Here is the Maastricht treaty.

OK, click on the link, go to article 104C (page 27) which refers to excessive government debt/deficits, the limits of and states that the reference values for the debt/deficit to gdp levels will be annexed to the treaty.

The relevant part of the annexe is article 1 (page 183) which states the reference values, ie, deficit should not exceed 3% of GDP and debt should not exceed 60% of gdp.

I hope this helps.

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Notch: Oh dear oh dear.

Poor old Fillyboy.

He shouldnt try and involve himself in things he doesnt understand.


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I apologise to others if this is boring, but I refuse to be bullied by a couple of leftard liars, who say one thing and deny it the next day, they really are quite pathetic.

Excellent work proving your argument still holds no weight. Why is our Debt still above the 60% target then?

So your argument has always been that the UK had Austerity cuts enforced on them because of the Maastricht treaty where the sanctions did not apply to the uk so in effect had no breaing on what the UK would do. If you are arguing it now has an effect then you are saying the UK is in the Euro Zone?

Try harder you dumbo.