I thank you very much for sharing your expertise sir! I will see how it goes and if it plays up again, then I shall replace it.
You obviously know your stuff, and will be familiar with my heating system, may I ask if it is possible and what it would cost if I were to have it all replaced with what I believe is called a combi boiler?
I understand this also allows to get rid of the hot water cylinder too freeing up room?
The reason I ask this is that the system must be over 22(-ish) years old, and I have also replaced the flue fan this year now this, so is it a good idea to start to consider a new system?
You obviously know your stuff, and will be familiar with my heating system, may I ask if it is possible and what it would cost if I were to have it all replaced with what I believe is called a combi boiler?
I understand this also allows to get rid of the hot water cylinder too freeing up room?
The reason I ask this is that the system must be over 22(-ish) years old, and I have also replaced the flue fan this year now this, so is it a good idea to start to consider a new system?