Notable Obituaries.

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Leslie Phillips was a co-owner of a large furniture store in South Wales, did some work for them years ago.
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Leslie Phillips was a rather yucky product of his times. He tried some to spurn the typecast, going for 'better' acting roles, I saw him as a good Falstaff. To the extent that I did enjoy Harry Potter, I thought his voice behind the Sorting Hat worked well. Not a bad thing to be remembered for.
One of a generation of old-bloke good actors - not many left.
Dan McCafferty
Really sad news that is...Nazareth are one of those 70s bands that always slip under the radar when talking about that era but in their day they were immense. No Mean City is one of the great albums of the age: mate o' mine had that iconic cover painted on the fuel tank of his Kwakazaki - and Razzmatazz was a stone-cold banger of an album. Man, they could rock. RIP mate.
I don't know what it was about LP, but I used to love watching his films as a kid.

He had a good life, very sad loss. AIUI, he suffered 2 strokes at the age of 90.
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