Notable Obituaries.

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Died suddenly, hmmm.
Could be for any number of reasons such as kidney/liver/heart failure or something else like a brain aneurism.
All these conditions could go unnoticed in someone who appears quite fit and well.

An ex-work colleague went into work one night to start a 12 hour night shift. Felt perfectly well when he left home shortly after 5.00pm At 7.30pm his wife received a phone call from his manager saying a car should be pulling up outside to take her to Addenbrookes as her husband was fighting for his life after sudden heart failure shortly after starting his shift. He officially died twice but first aiders got his heart started again with CPR and a defibrillator. It was touch and go for 10 days but he pulled through though he is a shadow of his former self. Never smoked and was a light drinker. Played 5 a-side and the odd game of tennis. Not overweight and no previous medical problems except for a broken leg many years previously.
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o sh!t.

nope. no words. gonna need a moment.

"Lives of great men all remind us,
we may make our lives sublime,
and departing leave behind us
footprints in the sands of time."

Robert Clary, a French-born survivor of Nazi concentration camps during World War II who played a feisty prisoner of war in the improbable 1960s sitcom “Hogan’s Heroes,” has died of natural causes at the age of 96.
I just about remember watching that show as a kid but our more mature members on here may have better memories of it.
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