Notable Obituaries.

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Gary Shaw
Just read that - a damn shame. He could've been one of England's finest goalscorers if that terrible injury hadn't limited his career. Lineker and Shaw up front would've put the fear of God in the opposition. Should've gone to the '82 World Cup but Greenwood gambled on Keegan's fitness and that didn't work out too well.

Shaw’s part in Villa’s European Cup-winning goal is immortalised on a banner that has been a fixture on the North Stand. The banner quoting Brian Moore’s commentary of Peter Withe’s match-winning goal against Bayern Munich in Rotterdam reads: “Shaw, [Gary] Williams, prepared to venture down the left. There’s a good ball played in for Tony Morley. Oh, it must be and it is! Peter Withe!”
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Just read that - a damn shame. He could've been one of England's finest goalscorers if that terrible injury hadn't limited his career. Lineker and Shaw up front would've put the fear of God in the opposition. Should've gone to the '82 World Cup but Greenwood gambled on Keegan's fitness and that didn't work out too well.

Shaw’s part in Villa’s European Cup-winning goal is immortalised on a banner that has been a fixture on the North Stand. The banner quoting Brian Moore’s commentary of Peter Withe’s match-winning goal against Bayern Munich in Rotterdam reads: “Shaw, [Gary] Williams, prepared to venture down the left. There’s a good ball played in for Tony Morley. Oh, it must be and it is! Peter Withe!”
Ahh the Villa legends of yester-year. Great photo. My son knocks about with Tony's (Morley's) son. I was watching them at footie practice once, with two old boys next to me barking orders at both boys. I thought to myself, who do they think they are, when my son came over and said have you met Tony Morley and Gordon Cowans?

When my lad played MJPL, Tony Morley "guest-coached" a training session for the team.

Many pro footballers that I know / have met are virtual cripples, but TM was still spritely, and showing no hobbling.
Top bloke(y)
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