Official: Brexit is not happening

General election that will sort this brexit caper out :LOL:

but some how I doubt it :LOL:

this brexit caper is probably the best thing that has happened in politics for a generation ;)
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Typical quitter hogwash.

Tory propaganda has brainwashed you into making brexit all about 'democracy' and 'getting it done'.

Brexit is a con and falls apart when Johnson trying to lie about no border checks NI to UK.

Typical remoaner hogwash.
They lost the referendum, refuse to accept the result, voted for article 50 which states we leave with deal or no deal, then vote through the benn surrender act and then blame johnston for the break up of the uk.
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Yet again more hogwash by notch.
corbins dream is a united ireland. And corbin would sell out scotland in a jiffy.

yeah corbin has been having talks with the SNP

probably cooking up some dirty deal ;)

he already probably had talks with Sinn Fein ;) after all they are buddies :LOL:

they go way back :LOL:

next he will be on the blower to Hamas :LOL:
this brexit caper is probably the best thing that has happened in politics for a generation

I agree. It really has exposed the eu and its die hard followers for what they really are.
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I agree. It really has exposed the eu and its die hard followers for what they really are.

well yes and it has given the general public an in sight into how Parliament works :LOL: and what a load of baloney it really is

it has also demonstrated or given an in sight into democracy in the UK :LOL:

has been an education to the ordinary people in the country to see what they are actually voting for every 5 years :LOL:

Historians will have a feild day with all these shenagins in the future :LOL:
Than there is the revelation that there are in excess of 500,000 rules regs and dic tats from the EU covering our daily lives

every thing from Somali pirates to light bulbs and bog rolls :LOL: entire forests have been felled in order to provide the paper / documentation for all this baloney :LOL:

all agreed over beer and sandwiches and a nod and a wink

the EU spent 7 years talking about a trade agreement with the US , and evetually they agreed to disagree :LOL:

every thing from hot dogs to turtle wax polish was talked about :LOL:
Than there is the revelation that there are in excess of 500,000 rules regs and dic tats from the EU covering our daily lives

every thing from Somali pirates to light bulbs and bog rolls :LOL: entire forests have been felled in order to provide the paper / documentation for all this baloney :LOL:

all agreed over beer and sandwiches and a nod and a wink

the EU spent 7 years talking about a trade agreement with the US , and evetually they agreed to disagree :LOL:

every thing from hot dogs to turtle wax polish was talked about :LOL:

Have a look at this. There's a nice easy pie chart for the hard of thinking.
Have a look at this. There's a nice easy pie chart for the hard of thinking.

Sadly that's too many facts. We have had decades of the DM, Sun, Telegraph, Times pumping out anti-EU propaganda to the point that its hardened opinions. Anything that disagrees with that is considered as project fear or simply untrue. When you cannot even accept facts as the basis of discussion - what does that leave?

It's their kids and grandkids that will pay the price. It will be the end of the Union as NI will be jettisoned and Scotland will go its own way. The UK will be diminished but that doesn't bother brexiteers.
Fest trying to back away from what he wrote.

Is it in "quotation marks?"


Is it in italics?


Did he quote the author or show a link?


Fest is a bigoted numbskull.

What he wrote is not a statement by the BBC.

It is nonsense by fest.

Oh here we go again, most days i tolerate your inept mumbling backdraft of methane splattered excrement you spout which somehow makes it across that oh so damaged chair/keyboard interface. But this evening you crossed the line, actually i shall refrain from the playground stuff and instead serve you back this link, metaphorically curled up into a fist sized cardboard pole lovingly shoved up your prolapsed rectum, as from your tone i think you've been gaggin

for it.

Slowly pull it back out read the link, then apologise for being such a knob jockey, then crawl back into your hole.
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Well at least we can all agree Corbyn is the greatest gift to the Tory party.
Along with Diane Abbot the two of them are a dream pairing for what is just about equally sh't option being the Tories, it's a close call.

Great work Poirot i think you'll find i already divulged this information a few pages earlier, keep up bullet xx

Charliegolf in actual fact I copied and pasted this from bbc as it's the number 1 upvoted quote of today.. so theres alot of people who disagree with you or alot of people far dimmer than you of course
Labour have 9 million remain voters.
They have a democratic requirement to represent them.

Do you approve of Johnsons plans to put a border inside the United Kingdom.
If you do you are a traitor
If you dont, then you approve of Labour protecting this great country.

Yep thought not thankyou, unable to give an example aren't we.

You just spout statistical hot air, then change the subject.

Are you seriously... sorry let me put my teef in, are you seriously claiming Labour are doing all this to protect our country? Really???

You keep waving that labour flag, oh my, i'm not going to denigrate your opinion or resort to like you and others here with playground insults.

I am not a traitor i want a long term gain for the UK, if in 5 years time we really are worse off fine, let the government in power then decide. However, tomorrow, i would fill my bed pan with infinite turds if Labour win the next GE, they demonstrate time over they are attempting more positions than the Kamasutra to try and please everyone. I would i think prefer the UnLiberal Undemocrats, at least i could have the odd fwap over Joe Swinson stuck outside on a cold day.
Yep thought not thankyou, unable to give an example aren't we.

You just spout statistical hot air, then change the subject.

Are you seriously... sorry let me put my teef in, are you seriously claiming Labour are doing all this to protect our country? Really???

You keep waving that labour flag, oh my, i'm not going to denigrate your opinion or resort to like you and others here with playground insults.

I am not a traitor i want a long term gain for the UK, if in 5 years time we really are worse off fine, let the government in power then decide. However, tomorrow, i would fill my bed pan with infinite turds if Labour win the next GE, they demonstrate time over they are attempting more positions than the Kamasutra to try and please everyone. I would i think prefer the UnLiberal Undemocrats, at least i could have the odd fwap over Joe Swinson stuck outside on a cold day.

Festive please stop writing drivel, you are embarrassing yourself. :)

Brexit is a Tory shtstorm -just grow up and admit it.

By the way Im not a Labour supporter or voter, never have been, Ive always voted Conservative.
Have a look at this. There's a nice easy pie chart for the hard of thinking.

Do you think a complex, multi-faceted political, social and economic situation with effects on every part of the national life can be successfully changed by resorting to a simple binary choice

The guy in your link is citing laws. Laws are only part of eu intrusion into UK plc.
Even johnd from post 96 concedes that.
And when you have a political establishment not willing to abide by a referendum then little will change.
For now anyway.
Looks like the turkeys have voted for xmas.:D
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I wonder if notch and the other remoaners on here understands the concept of democracy?
Given the hogwash they post anyone would be forgiven for thinking that the 2016 referendum was won by the remainers and being thwarted by the leavers.
May I remind you that in the 2017 election - since the referendum - the voters returned 75% remain MPs.

What does that say about the system, democracy and the electorate?

Do you think they will do the same in December or whenever?
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