Oh dear only when caught out.

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The Government has accused
LOL Well the always do concerning all sorts of things. All govs.

13,492 asylum applications by refugees were received in 2022 in Ireland — according to UNHCR. Most of them came from Georgia, Algeria and from Somalia. A total of 4,347 decisions have been made on initial applications.
Looks like the Irish incoming refugees were higher in 2002 but yes there is a recent effect.

Here's the UK/ You might notice that high levels of rejection bought the numbers down in both countries.
That one caused me to wonder about what happened to our power to process them. It could clearly cope with higher numbers early on.

Refugees just wondering around the country? I've wondered about that too. Attempts to contain them have been made and more talk of that. What about tracking anklets? They can be used to keep people in a specified area.

Rwanda. Something of a mystery. When they are asked about numbers expected the answer is not a lot. Then our media look at the number of flights and backlogs etc. Once again Rishi is ignoring the backlog and probably trying to detain just new arrivals. Costs look "interesting". A comment from the Lords, not clear but refugees may be processed in Rwanda. That would make it the official route here. The lack of official routes is one of the aspects that causes the boats to be used.

The smugglers have upped their game. Biggest inflatable they can get their hands on and too many people wanting to get on it who may have sticks, stones and fireworks. Children amongst them. Makes things tricky for the French police. They have used tear-gas. Looks like a riot squad would be more useful, The French are pretty good at that when they need to be. No softly softly approach like here.

Cameron did negotiate a couple of factors while we were in the EU but as far as I am aware zero reporting on what they were.
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