Old Conservatives don't understand

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another one who has not got a clue of where the budget comes from for council house repairs
Another one who conflates points and gets it wrong.

If the council owned a house and rented it out for years, the house cost would have been paid for and rent coming in covered maintenance and any surplus went into the pot

Once the house was sold off cheap all that disappeared, but the council now pays landlords to house the people who could have been in that house.

Double cost, to us taxpayers.

And the rent the council pays out covers the maintenance on the house the landlord owns.

Triple cost to us taxpayers.

and you wonder why councils are in the position they are.
no they are miss managed ,plenty of money there just there is no accountability and too many career council workers without a clue

Oh it must have been them council workers who thought it would be a good idea to sell off houses cheap then.

You do keep conflating arguments

you really dont understand what council money goes on repairs etc and what budget it comes from do you.

another one who has not got a clue of where the budget comes from for council house repairs

Which council?

Many many years ago Slough Borough Council employed a genius from Canada to resolve their maintenance woes. As a kid growing up on a council estate I remember the smallish depot deployed for maintenance, blokes on bikes with boxes on the front going round doing repairs. Obviously times progressed, central heating was installed in all homes and things moved up several notches.
This bloke from Canada tried desperately to keep it 'in house' by multi skilling, the workers objected, they were more than happy for multiple trades to be involved with changing a pane of glass, a chippy, a glazier, and a painter to finish off, it was ridiculous but the workers 'won', they all lost their jobs and national or multinational companies replaced them. As much as these workers moaned and bitched they ended up working for the multinationals but on lesser terms and pension benefits, al for the sake of not being willing to slap a bot of paint around a window pane they'd fitted, not my job mate.
Around this time the council investigated about 6 electricians, they were earning more than most sparks, but the materials they booked out were at least 10 times more than comparable sparks doing less work. Transpires these sparkys rented 6 lockup garages from the council and after being raided by the police were found to have something like half a million quids worth of electrical stock. They were earning not just a salary, a good one, plus overtime, but were doing several re-wires a week and probably sill home by lunch.

They were 'suspended' immediately and the case went to court. The Union representing them found that the council had not deployed the procedure to the letter of the law, the case was thrown out and the council were ordered to re-employ the offenders.

No, it's not cheap maintaining council houses, sub it out.
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Many many years ago Slough Borough Council employed a genius from Canada to resolve their maintenance woes. As a kid growing up on a council estate I remember the smallish depot deployed for maintenance, blokes on bikes with boxes on the front going round doing repairs. Obviously times progressed, central heating was installed in all homes and things moved up several notches.
This bloke from Canada tried desperately to keep it 'in house' by multi skilling, the workers objected, they were more than happy for multiple trades to be involved with changing a pane of glass, a chippy, a glazier, and a painter to finish off, it was ridiculous but the workers 'won', they all lost their jobs and national or multinational companies replaced them. As much as these workers moaned and bitched they ended up working for the multinationals but on lesser terms and pension benefits, al for the sake of not being willing to slap a bot of paint around a window pane they'd fitted, not my job mate.
Around this time the council investigated about 6 electricians, they were earning more than most sparks, but the materials they booked out were at least 10 times more than comparable sparks doing less work. Transpires these sparkys rented 6 lockup garages from the council and after being raided by the police were found to have something like half a million quids worth of electrical stock. They were earning not just a salary, a good one, plus overtime, but were doing several re-wires a week and probably sill home by lunch.

They were 'suspended' immediately and the case went to court. The Union representing them found that the council had not deployed the procedure to the letter of the law, the case was thrown out and the council were ordered to re-employ the offenders.

No, it's not cheap maintaining council houses, sub it out.
An anti union rant, from years ago, that has nothing to do with the selling of council or private landlord houses.

Any links to the court case out of interest. Not that it makes any difference to the actual subject
And added to which Conservatives govt which have cut council budgets by between 30% and 50%
Thank God Sir Kier will restore those budgets if he ever gets in power. He will do that, won't he?
A nice suburban house with garden in a tree-lined road was a much more attractive buy.
1. Would you buy one if you were a council tenant and could afford to?
2. Are any of the many houses you’ve lived in been ex council houses?
3. If you were buying a house and found out that it had been 'stolen' from the council at a discount a few owners back, would your principals prevent you going ahead with the purchase?
So they have lost £570k on the books. For each home. Which can ultimately affect their creditworthiness. That really doesn't free up cash.
So it’s clear you know less than nothing about it ? No one loads in 30 years rent to value a house!!
So it’s clear you know less than nothing about it ? No one loads in 30 years rent to value a house!!
You cost anything, even a house, over its lifetime.

Could have been council owned for 50 years, or more
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