One tier Keir

Lying is a serious offence when related to the process of criminality

It's not for the likes of keyboard assassin's like yourself to ask others to PROVE someone else didn't lie

You are Walter Mitty
NWGS2 is a troll

you are wasting your time

he is making up sh1t to be a k-nob
He wasn't at the time.

No, it's my opinion he wasn't.

no he wasnt

the victims came forward before Starmer was head of CPS

Savilles victims came forward before Starmer was head of CPS

it was a police failure not CPS

the police decided not to tell the victims they werent the only ones to come forward

so none of the victims would go ahead

all of which happened before Starmer became head of CPS

its fact he wasnt

Keir Starmer was head of the CPS when the decision was made not to prosecute Savile.

Do you reckon the fruit cake is himmy ???

Put Michael Anglo / aka fruit cake on ignore

Just in case :giggle: (y)

This site is infested with right wing fruitloops

And to be fair so is much of the internet

Bashing away in their little man caves whilst the world keeps turning
This site is infested with right wing fruitloops

And to be fair so is much of the internet

Bashing away in their little man caves whilst the world keeps turning
This site is so far right wing that anybody with a viewpoint left of right wing is seen as at least a lefty if not a left wing extremist.

They want right wing to be classified as central. Take filly as an example, he is very right wing, I don't class him as extreme right, but he is nowhere near centre.
This site is so far right wing that anybody with a viewpoint left of right wing is seen as at least a lefty if not a left wing extremist.

They want right wing to be classified as central. Take filly as an example, he is very right wing, I don't class him as extreme right, but he is nowhere near centre.

Total nonsense :giggle: