One tier Keir

Total nonsense :giggle:

As a new arrival i can tell you that this site is overwhelmingly tory veering towards reform

Absolute fruit cakes most of you on here

The fact it's being denied is even more damning

Just reading over some of the offensive , ignorant and thinly disguised xenophobic posts is an eye opener

In some ways it's a relief that one communicates with such people just on here as there is no way I could associate socially with the sport of bigotry shown on here

If some of this verbal garbage was repeated in a pub or the workplace or a social get together you would be out on your ears

This site is so far right wing that anybody with a viewpoint left of right wing is seen as at least a lefty if not a left wing extremist.

They want right wing to be classified as central. Take filly as an example, he is very right wing, I don't class him as extreme right, but he is nowhere near centre.

Good gosh yes it's like a sad old daily mail angry letters page

" we don't like these outsiders you know ......."
When was the original you refer to on here?

Difficult to tell, started on here several years ago - but his latest username was banned end of last year.. Himmy is actually Himagain, but he's had a dozen or two name changes and bans since that monicker. Possibly back now as michaelangelo.
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This embarrassing for you lads

Not only ignorantly right wing you are also completely paranoid

I know you think you are important but if you think someone is on here imitating a previous poster then you are deluded

The plain fact is that the sort of one eyed opinions you espouse attract the contradictions of others

In this case I have recently joined and my comments on your extreme guff is shared by others on here and I am glad to back them up