People complain about little Englanders..
But to be honest maybe thats what we need.
For example, the village I live in, was built for a factory,
In the village was a butchers, bakers grocers, the village had it's own farm which produced 80% of the food products,
The village had it's own pub, department store, doctors, dentist. There wasn't a need to leave the village and few people did, there was mostly single track roads everywhere few people owned cars etc, over the years the farm sold it's land to the highest bidder, the farm house became an old people's home, the factory shut due to imports from China, the dentist went due to lack of funding. The cinema closed due to our of town complexes. The department store burnt down but was rebuilt to a quarter of its size and became a local small co op because of big out of town supermarkets etc.
The village is no longer self sufficient, everyone has to drive everywhere, the fields around the village are being bought by developers for more and more housing, so much so the village is almost becoming a town.
This has gone on up and down the country and the world.