Indeed - so would I.If grid voltage was too high, I think I'd like to see anything generated from the solar diverted to heating water or something. ... Battery storage would be ideal.
Yes, mine does, but a few resistive loads pull down the in-house voltage a bit.Indeed - so would I.
However, I thought that grid-tied inverters shut down in the event of an 'overvoltage' of the grid supply - I would imagine primarily due to export problems?
In essence yes within reason but not quite correct, Kirchoffs law just about starts creeping in here...."Household" Solar Panels (EXPORTING energy) tend to push-up the voltage in the "local area".
This must be so, since the only way that such panels can "feed" into the (local) part of the "Grid" is to produce a higher voltage - to drive the current in - thus taking part of the "load" from the local "Grid" transformer...
I got one, but when I calculated the RoI, if was not worth having. Cost of HW with gas is very low, and I only get worthwhile solar generation on (some) summer days.The iboost+ sounds a good idea, but the immersion heater is not deep enough in the tank, so it does not use as much as I would like, and if I ever do get paid for export, the figure for export is higher than the figure for buying off-peak, so not really worth doing.
"Household" Solar Panels (EXPORTING energy) tend to push-up the voltage in the "local area".
This must be so, since the only way that such panels can "feed" into the (local) part of the "Grid" is to produce a higher voltage - to drive the current in - thus taking part of the "load" from the local "Grid" transformer.
It depends on how much hot water is used, and length of pipe work boiler to cylinder and if lagged or not, because iboost+ records the energy used, I can say with my house immersion heater is cheaper to using oil, when the solar was fitted together with iboost+ we noticed the reduction of oil used.I got one, but when I calculated the RoI, if was not worth having. Cost of HW with gas is very low, and I only get worthwhile solar generation on (some) summer days.
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