Pagan Metal

Do "Rammerstein" (sp?) count as this type of rock band ????

the song/video of theirs at the moment on Kerrang! is a classic thumping track , they are fire men in a fire truck racing to a suicide /jumper off a building ,on the way they are driving like manics , an at the end just get there as the guy jumps they unfold the trampoline/sheet ... as they look up you hear a tearing sound an look at mat is split open , funny ,their other vids are excellent too
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How about

" The Landlords Daughter "

Much has been said of the strumpets of yore
Of wenches and bawdy house queens by the score,
But I sing of a baggage that we all adore
The landlord's daughter
You'll never love another,
Although she's not the kind of girl
To take home -- to your mother

Her elixir is lively and strong to the taste,
It is brewed with discretion, never with haste,
You can have all you like if you swear not to waste
The landlord's daughter
And when her name is mentioned,
The puds of every gentleman
Will stand up -- at attention

Now the shame of the blossom and all of the country
She takes off the garter and *** *** in town
The dolly who keeps her *** *** renown
While I'll take the landlord's daughter
There's nothing so delightful,
As the part that lies between
The left toe -- and the right toe.
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