Pain Killer-There's Nothing Stronger

Brigadier and WWTurkeys. First thing I did was buy a new mattress but didn't help at all. Also sleep with a pillow between my knees which helps a little. If you care to google 'nocturnal back pain' you'll see that no one knows the reason for it.

Not knocking or getting snotty, honda.

So, if no one knows what causes it, there's a chance that something as simple as a new mattress could alleviate some cases.

Sorry if my post reads as being abrupt as isn't meant to be.
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Brigadier and WWTurkeys. First thing I did was buy a new mattress but didn't help at all. Also sleep with a pillow between my knees which helps a little. If you care to google 'nocturnal back pain' you'll see that no one knows the reason for it.
Has your GP considered arranging for you to have physiotherapy?

Yes JBR I had several physio sessions at the local pain clinic year before last. Unfortunately it didn't help so I eventually was sent for a spinal injection which gave me a few months pain free. Should add that further injections are £200 a time.
The OP is actually on about branded painkillers versus generic painkillers. Nothing at all about research into new drugs. ;);)

Then you write down a list of things we are allowed to say, and we'll all try and obey your wishes. :rolleyes:

Threads often branch out onto related issues, which are relevant.
The OP is actually on about branded painkillers versus generic painkillers. Nothing at all about research into new drugs. ;);)

Then you write down a list of things we are allowed to say, and we'll all try and obey your wishes. :rolleyes:

Threads often branch out onto related issues, which are relevant.

I am perfectly aware that the threads on this and many other forums, take unexpected twists and turns. However, just to make my position clear, in the generic drugs paracetamol and ibuprofen v branded drug debate, research and development should play no part. Paracetamol was discovered as far back as the 1880s and ibuprofen, the drug that saved Boots in the 1960s, became available over the counter in the 1980s. The problem today is that when a drugs company launches a 'new' named product containing paracetamol or ibuprofen it would appear that they can charge what they like. To take the latter as an example, Lidl and Aldi sell ibuprofen at around 19p while Nurofen Ibuprofen,(the drug developed and patented by Boots), retails at around £2.00.
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I was getting headaches recently, and the doctor prescribed this.

It seems to work.

Solpadiene plus.. good stuff contains codeine which is 1) metabolised to opiates 2) addictive 3) banned in some countries.. but It sure works!
Solpadeine plus 8mg/500mg 32 tabs £5.59
Boots Co-codamol 8mg/500mg 32 tabs £2.49
or online price 89p
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