Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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gas meters become less accurate the older they get in customers favour so far better to keep an old gas meter than a supposed more accurate smart meter
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You do however, lack access to the many Smart tariffs..
In the grand scheme of things though, how much would I actually be saving year on year. I think I pay around £120 per month for my gas/elec and generally I always remain in credit.

We all have different lines in the sand when it comes to money and more specifically savings, however unless the saving is beyond that line for me, I tend to stick with the status quo.
When our smart meter was installed the fitter muttered something on the lines that they were not working. I didn't take a lot of notice until recently we noticed that all of our bills are estimated.

Where do I live - B'ham. Do mobiles work in the house - yes. Meters - seems not.
In the grand scheme of things though, how much would I actually be saving year on year. I think I pay around £120 per month for my gas/elec and generally I always remain in credit.

We all have different lines in the sand when it comes to money and more specifically savings, however unless the saving is beyond that line for me, I tend to stick with the status quo.

Two of us, we have lots running, yet we pay considerably less, simply using a smart tariff. I'm £600 in credit.
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i constantly get asked to install a smart meter , and they say they have to ask every 6mths as part of the regulation
I was also offered with the smart meter and fantastic new fixed tarrif , and quoted a price and saving - which would save me over £1000 a year based on estimates

NOW i have a spreadsheet , that works everything out - monthly or more when the cap changes and rates change

based on there estimated years consumption , I calculated based on oct price increase tarrif v fixed smart meter tarrif - would have save £15 for the year ....
and on my figures , the consumpton estimates were way out - more so then on the actual bill estimates for annual consumption.

I know what i consum and I know when i have things on , we dont leave items in standby anymore and keep our costs down to a minimum any way

i will put off a smart meter until its the LAW and i legally have to change
But it's still just a meter with consumption figures. No better or worse than an analogue, in that respect. :confused:
You will be more convincing if you stopped ignoring the fact that a smart meter does allow a supply to be disconnection remotely without a court order.

I have smart meters, I needed one for my EV charger... But I don't ignore the genuine issues people have with them.
You will be more convincing if you stopped ignoring the fact that a smart meter does allow a supply to be disconnection remotely without a court order.
The protocols for eventual disconnection are exactly the same for both meters. You are no more likely to be disconnected with either.
You'd be more convincing if you wore a red nose and big shoes. (y)
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