Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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I didnt say there wasn't an issue with unscrupulous debt agencies. But the relevant issue at hand is with both meters. In fact it was more to do with the analogue meters and unscrupulous debt recovery bods gaining access (forcing?) there way into peoples homes etc. Hundreds of thousands of them. So the issue boyo is mainly with them switching the analogues over. Stick that in yer pipe.

You are no more likely to be switched to pre pay or have your supply cut off with a SM than you are with an analogue. FACT.
Speculation and backtracking noted.
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Speculation and backtracking noted.

You mistakenly made out that the claims for compensation and the recent regulations update was all about SM, when in fact the opposite is true. All you have done is weaken your argument and strengthen what folk have been telling you, i.e.

You are no more likely to be switched to pre pay or have your supply cut off, with either a smart meter or analogue meter. FACT.

Why do you think they needed all those (over a million) warrants to gain entry, eh MBK?

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You mistakenly made out that the claims for compensation and the recent regulations update was all about SM, when in fact the opposite is true. All you have done is weaken your argument and strengthen what folk have been telling you, i.e.

You are no more likely to be switched to pre pay or have your supply cut off, with either a smart meter or analogue meter. FACT.

Why do you think they needed all those (over a million) warrants to gain entry, eh MBK?

You obviously didn’t read the letter from offgem. I’ve posted it.
Go on then educate the forum. This should be fun...
Here's a fun fact...

Everything you and your sidekick have been claiming about there being no difference in actual operational capabilities between the different types of meters has been proven to be wrong :)
Everything you and your sidekick have been claiming about there being no difference in actual operational capabilities between the different types of meters has been proven to be wrong

You are no more likely to be switched to pre-pay or have your supply cut off with either a SM or an analogue meter.
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