Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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Irrelevant in regards to this....
You are no more likely to be switched to pre pay or have your supply cut off, with either a smart meter or analogue meter. FACT.
Perhaps MBK thinks they needed over a million (home entry) warrants so that they could remotely switch the SM's to pre-pay.

I should add these really for parity.....:LOL::LOL::LOL:
Correct. But irrelevant.
Highly relevant if you are incorrectly claiming.

That the risk of being switched is the same.

Perhaps you or noseall can remind us which can be done without a court order..remotely.
Perhaps MBK thinks they needed over a million (home entry) warrants so that they could remotely switch the SM's to pre-pay.

I should add these really for parity.....:LOL::LOL::LOL:

No I’d be almost as stupid as you, if I thought that.

You do understand that the above, is acknowledgment that it’s vastly easier for a supplier to switch a smart meter?
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