Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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Then what is the purpose of the relay inside the "meter". A relay that when energised will disconnect the Live supply to the house.

Your understanding is incorrect

With a "dumb" meter one has to visit the meter location and remove the DNO fuse from the cutout.

With a "smart meter" that has the disconnection relay there is no need to visit the meter location,

Noseall clearly doesn’t.
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The gas meters may also have a facility to disconnect. In a simple world just like the electric ones they could just collect and transmit data. Instead they have sat down and thought what else could we do with them. LOL It's called progress. Most pay their bills so the extras probably do not see much use really.

There are indications that the suppliers are much like some commercial companies - they can be inclined to not do what they are supposed to do by being awkward with customers.

There are a number of suppliers. I wonder what brand of smart meters they use and if fault info is being collected centrally to see if any makes are better than others. There are a number of major brands

The smart roll out was slow due to the need for fitters. If some are more reliable now than others that are already fitted that will be a limitation again.

I suspect my smarts went in around the time when the original meters needed to be changed after a set number of years use.
Word salad
How common? Do you have any figures? At all?

Not made up ones from Cadent numpties though.
you mean the people that actually attended tens of thousands of them , why do you think the regulator gave them permission to stop attending them .
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Then what is the purpose of the relay inside the "meter". A relay that when energised will disconnect the Live supply to the house.
Why wouldn't you make that a possibility when designing a new fangled meter.

We've just taken over a large warehouse which had been vacant for some time. Electric smart meter was "de-energised" as not in use. One phone call and voila, power on again.
Even though a provider could disconnet supply they have to notify the householder before doing so and discuss a repayment plan. If you have any doubt, read all about it @Citizens Advice.
you mean the people that actually attended tens of thousands of them , why do you think the regulator gave them permission to stop attending them .

You don't suppose it might be, because faulty meters, might be within their area of expertise?
Once again... By far the most prevalent faults, are the IHD failing to connect, or the comms back to base failing to connect, and report meter readings. Basically, that needs the customer, to revert back to reporting readings.
Going on the report of a failed meter from Nwgs comms could be the cause. Initially the gas meter will probably need to pair with what ever does the transmitting back to base. The general comms will have sone sort of checks done on them. Some hiccup might trigger some sort of reset.

I have been involved in safety critical work. A gas and an electricity meter could be seen as being in need of that. The solution would be that the base state just continues to supply irrespective of system faults. A fault must put it back into that state.
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