Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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Yea, he took offence at millions, just wondered if he had any other preference.
think they were saying 35M installed and 3.5M were not working, due to the mess the government has allowed to happen - making them an option, with incentives to have one, leaving it to the energy companies to implement, and some, simply unable to communicate to base, the readings. Such a shame, such a potentially useful technology, was so badly implemented, when it could have been done so much more reliably

Does the Op have a breakdown of the 3.5 million faulty meters or is he guessing it’s a coms issue ?

I’ll answer, he’s guessing.
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think they were saying 35M installed and 3.5M were not working, due to the mess the government has allowed to happen - making them an option, with incentives to have one, leaving it to the energy companies to implement, and some, simply unable to communicate to base, the readings. Such a shame, such a potentially useful technology, was so badly implemented, when it could have been done so much more reliably

That post, at least, I can agree with - which was where this thread originated...!
and will say again 3.5 million at PRESENT not in total .The total is far far more look at how many millions of meters they have already changed and how many faults that can be repaired in time
That post, at least, I can agree with - which was where this thread originated...!
And I simply stated the technology is there to turn the supply off when and if it’s needed. Making disconnected easier once all the boxes have been ticked. So no site visit needed for SM’s

That’s way above Boyo’s head and he keeps prattling on and on, missing the point.

I then stated form my own experience meters can and do go faulty. Which is true.

I’ve no idea on the numbers, but it’s more common than people think.

If they worked as they are designed to do I can see an upside, but even Boyo’s gas meter isn’t connecting to his supplier. So how’s it smart ?
Correct. They come under faulty, but still work perfectly fine as meters.
And some go faulty and lock out.

We can agree at last.

No one knows the numbers. But I’ve only ever had to call in one faulty dumb meter. That was because the meter box was missing and the meter was leaking due to corrosion.

The same would happen to a SM.
That's the problem. I think you are overstating the issue, one reason being we'd hear a lot more about people with no gas/electricity.

You think it is a bigger problem than I do.
We’ve heard 3.5 million are faulty.

We definitely wouldn’t hear about no gas and electricity because that would stop the uptake.

And again, Cadent won’t touch them because it’s not worth it “ They lose money”
No one knows the numbers. But I’ve only ever had to call in one faulty dumb meter. That was because the meter box was missing and the meter was leaking due to corrosion.

During my working life, I called in very many more, but perhaps I am more observant.
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