parma ham

David E said:
Richardp said:
Well, like anything it always tastes better in the country of origin, we go home and try to recreate it to our disapointmentment, In a restaurant in italy with a bottle of Peroni, parma ham served up with olives, Focaccia bread and salad in the atmosphere and by a italian and the smells and sounds of italy is delicious, but here in Cornwall I'd prefer a pasty and a pint of skinners. ;)

Rowes and Betty Stogs or Cornish Knocker (or Blonde or Heligan honey ------- pale substitutes in my opinion)
Well dave for me it would have to be Betty Stogs :D although last night I had a go at the sharps doombar ;) proper job!
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Brightness said:
I have a funny feeling that it can only be called Parma ham if it is smoked in the Parma region, a bit like champagne lol

What does smoked Italian champagne taste like? I've never tried it.
plastered said:
keyplayer said:
Of course, given the choice, a true gastronome would always opt for the superior Jamon Serrano.

WHY???.... personally I always go for the Prosciutto di San Danielle! ( or maybe thats just because I´m cheap )

In that case, I can recommend the honeyroast ham from the co op - it's formed from real cuts of leg.
I'm all for controlling the quality of these foods.

Look at the stuff the supermakets are trying to pass off as "pizza"!
If nothing is done then it'll be like this for everything.

It might still be a nice ham; but if its not Parma ham its not Parma ham.
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keyplayer said:
plastered said:
keyplayer said:
Of course, given the choice, a true gastronome would always opt for the superior Jamon Serrano.

WHY???.... personally I always go for the Prosciutto di San Danielle! ( or maybe thats just because I´m cheap )

In that case, I can recommend the honeyroast ham from the co op - it's formed from real cuts of leg.

GODS HONEST?...REAL cuts of Leg? Damn it, why are Co-ops so hard to come by here in Kiribati.
I blame S*d and his b-lurdy laws
keyplayer said:
the honeyroast ham from the co op - it's formed from real cuts of leg.

Any meat that is "formed" or "reformed" is bad news. Always buy whole cuts off the bone, that way you are less likely to buy s*it meat.
make your own:
get a packet of sliced ham from tescos, open and lay out several layers onto your hand voila! Palm of Ham!
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