Peaceful anti racism protests dwarf far right

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Scary banner waving, gosh!

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Love Music Hate Racism (LMHR) – the successor organisation to the Rock Against Racism (RAR) movement which helped turn the tide against the National Front in the 1970s – is planning to follow a concert in London in September, featuring singer-songwriter Paloma Faith, with a series of local gigs across the country over the next 12 months. @the Guardian

Roger Huddle, one of the signatories to a letter to the NME that led to the founding of RAR in 1976, said he backed the latest initiative by LMHR. “The most important part of RAR was the DIY culture. Our fanzine, Temporary Hoarding, always had a guide on how to put on a gig in your area,” he said....the extreme right celebrated the worst, most backward-looking music whereas anti-racists could call on the incredible diversity of the popular music scene. “When Tommy Robinson’s supporters marched to Trafalgar Square [before the riots in July] they were singing Rule! Britannia,” he said. “That is the most boring song ever written, full of awful Edwardian golden-age nationalism … This is a great help to our side.” :mrgreen:
