Possible new drug to treat Covid

so i wonder why the US government approached merck and not the hundreds of other drug manufacturers especially the big half dozen involved in the production of the vaccines surely they would have been the first port of call with all the research they must have done into covid .
But no they approach a company who just happen to have an existing drug that is getting used around the world to treat it endorsed or not
guess they just stuck a pin in a list and said they will do
You don't know how medicines are developed do you? They are developed at risk and if they work people buy them.

The order for millions of doses was for a product that has passed initial testing, not for original research.

Are they supposed to buy drugs that don't exist?
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so i wonder why
gas and his ilk have developed this intense emotional attachment to horse-worming pills that don't cure the disease

when they could just as easily have chosen garlic, or a copper bracelet, or drinking their own urine?

guess they just stuck a pin in a list and said they will do

yep, that must be it.
gas and his ilk have developed this intense emotional attachment to horse-worming pills that don't cure the disease

when they could just as easily have chosen garlic, or a copper bracelet, or drinking their own urine?

yep, that must be it.
i would say by your blinkered approach that you have overdosed on your horse worming tablets , your take on treatments is like when you used to try and steal snippets from the CC and pass yourself off as an expert when you are clearly struggling with the basics
You don't know how medicines are developed do you? They are developed at risk and if they work people buy them.

The order for millions of doses was for a product that has passed initial testing, not for original research.

Are they supposed to buy drugs that don't exist?
suggest you do a wee bit more research into how much the US government originally gave them to come up with a drug and not a drug already in trials
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suggest you do a wee bit more research into how much the US government originally gave them to come up with a drug and not a drug already in trials
I know the US government threw a lot of money at the big pharma companies to develop vaccines and treatments, but nothing that said Merek got a particular special deal on oral pills.

Either you're full of ****, which is my bet, or you're deliberately not giving evidence. Put up or shove off.
I know the US government threw a lot of money at the big pharma companies to develop vaccines and treatments, but nothing that said Merek got a particular special deal on oral pills.

Either you're full of ****, which is my bet, or you're deliberately not giving evidence. Put up or shove off.
Wont take you long to find it look in the hundreds of millions bracket
Wont take you long to find it look in the hundreds of millions bracket
It'd take you less since you apparently know what it is.

But since you won't, there probably was a payment to Merek but nothing like what you're describing. You fantasists do that a lot.
here you are, gas.


They do it in India.

That might work - it might make your breath smell so bad that nobody will breathe while they are within 2m of you.
see the amount of money to be made there as well as the share price going up 12% as a result .
Now i wonder how different it actually is to ivermectin

So governments and health bodies across the world know that IVM works but they need to find a way to pay more for it? Therefore, the plan is, come up with IVM mk2, which is really just IVM mk1, for the sole purpose of paying more to a US company than they otherwise would.

Does that about cover it?
Maybe not quite?

These governments and organisations might be using a network of covert "5th-columnists" to discredit all the improperly organised trials which show it doesnt work alongside a network of overt swivel-eyed social media bots to say its all a cover-up, in order to maximise demand for the product which theyve made themselves pay more for.

In a few months time it will be revealed that Big Pharma has infiltrated governments and health bodies across the world at all levels.

You read it here first.
Is saying the covid virus leaked from the Wuhan lab true?
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