Post the best photo you took today

For anyone who likes their beer, in CZ beer from tanks as opposed to portable barrels is regarded as the way to store beer so that it is in the best condition possible when served. There is a bladder/diaphragm inside the tank. Air is forced into the tank one side of the diaphragm, which pushes on the beer and forces it out to the tap. This way no air or gases come into contact with the beer. Similar to a giant expansion vessel for any plumbers out there.

That's interesting, I've had three tours of St Austell Brewery, it's half a mile from me. On one tour the bloke explained that it was oxygen that degrades beer, hence a barrel will start to degrade after 3 days and is pretty much knackered by 5 days.
The best Tribute I've had has been from the brewery and this same bloke told me they change it every 7 days wether it's needed or not. I tackled him on the oxygen story and he said at the brewery they use nitrogen (I think), I said so why don't all pubs use it. cost he said.
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Taken by my son. Our Grandson having his first dental checkup today. He's a brave boy and he's not 3 until January.

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Someone not happy with their builder? Outside a house in Pas De Calais region. Got as far as "merde de chien", so not a positive review of their builder. :)

As much as I can make out, 'cos it's a very poor photo from that angle, but it looks like some is pizzed off of dog shiote on their property, and is asking whoever is responsible to refrain from allowing their dog to foul their property, or to take it back home with them.

priere de ???????? vos merde de chien souspend
de retour chez-vous ?????

Please to ???????? take your dog poop back home ?????
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We went to the cinema today to see West Side Story. It was it's first viewing in Tenerife. The first viewing is always in "original version" (English).
That's why we were the only two in the cinema.
I took the picture 2 minutes before the film was due to start.
It was 5€ to get in and it was a good film.
Oh well, completely misread that one. Thought that was someone's name at the beginning, but didn't bother to translate it. Should have paid attention to the French teacher at school. :rolleyes:

Went to an all boys school and we all paid close attention to our French teacher. Especially as she had long legs, wore short skirts and would often cross and uncross her legs whilst sitting on the edge of her desk facing us.
Can't remember a word of French though! :whistle:
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