Potterton Puma 100e problem

7 Dec 2003
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United Kingdom

I am hoping that someone can help me. I am looking after a friends house at the moment. They have a potterton 100e combi boiler. My problem is that i can't get any heating/hot water. So I went to the boiler & shut the tap below the water inlet sign (looks like a typical plastic tap) there was then lots of noise from the pipes & the flame (?) light came on, so I assumed that the water was heating. Still got no joy, only to discover that hot water was coming out the overflow pipe. NOw the low pressure light will only go off if i turn this tap on & the water just flows like a goodun out the overflow. So can some one PLEASE tell me how to repressure the system so I can have a wash & warm up.

a very cold
Gaztee :oops:
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Can you see a pressure gauge any where? This should read just under 1 bar when cold for a two storey house.
Hey Oilman,

The pressure bar is just over 1. How do I get this down then any ideas? There is another pointer (black) that is over two is this significant at all??


Is the pointer at just over 1 a red one? If so, the black one is the the one that should be just under 1.

To reduce the pressure, twist the knob on the pressure relief valve (the one on the overflow pipe.
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Hi Oilman,

So is the tap i turned earlier the right one then? If I turn this the pressure will drop after it has expelled all the relevant amount of water ? Sorry for being a bit slow on the put take, but this aint my equpiment &don't want to do lasting damage to my friends system

See this for typical PRV.

I would think the tap you mentioned is the filling tap. Is it at the end of a braided tube?
Hi Oilman,

Any chance of that link in full? My friends PC doesn't seem to like these conecting links much :cry: ANd yes that tap does indeed go to the braided tube. As all the water seem to come straight out I guess the system is already full?

Leave the tap alone it is for pressurising the system you are over pressurising it!
Link is: www.rwc.co.uk/rwc/pdfs/hcv/prel101.pdf

It's not a case of the system being full, it has to have the correct pressure for the height of the system ie just under a bar when cold.

Reduce the pressure with the PRV and then adjust with the tap if necessary.
Thanks Plumber Will. Will not touch it again :oops:

Thanks Oilman,

I will go & have another look for the PRV have not seen anything like it near the pipes. Will be back shortly

Hi Oilman

I can't see any PRV. There are 2 little red switches directly under the boiler on the CH return pipe & safety pipe. Is the prv likely to be anywhere else?

Sorry I can't say with this boiler, I fix oil boilers and though the systems are similar, details such as this exceed my knowledge. You need help from the gas boys (I just hope they're not down the pub till closing time).
Hey Oilma,

Thanks for your help. At least I know now Iwas looking at the wrong pointer on the dial. I suppose I will have to hope my friend calls & gives me the way to get the pressure down.



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