Potterton SuPrima 40 problems

I very much doubt Potterton will cover anything that is not on/in their boiler.

Certainly not the boilermate.

To cover all of your heating appliances/system you would need a general insurance cover from the likes of Homeserve, but then you would probably still find that a lot of things weren't covered in the small print :mad:
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Thanks Guys.

I phoned Potterton (The Heat Team) this morning and they were happy to raise a job against it but couldn't say whether the policy (domestic and general) would cover the repairs.

I guess I should prepare myself to hear that its not covered when the heating repairer has a look at it and find a local (West Norolk) repairer to do the work.

One last question. I need to get the heating flow pump replaced. Roughly how much more would this cost?

You help is very much appreciated. ;)
BG would cover the pcb but not a replacement cylinder when it goes.

to replace either pump will involve a drain down as the pump valves will undoubtedly leak. thats time consuming and risky as the cold feed could be blocked and the system wouldnt refill properly afterwards. could be backfilled as temporary measure or a new cold feed run to the drainoff.
Is there a way, and I'm guessing not, to temporarly disable the pump (to stop the constant pump noise) but have the heating working?

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From here I would say the pump control board is knackered on the boilermate. Very common fault.

Probably looking at about £130-£150 + VAT

Have you got any buzzing coming from the boiler mate?


In the dead of night with the tank temperature satisfied, I could definately hear a pulsing/buzzing noise.

You guys were right (of course) about not being covered by the 'one price fix all' plan. I phoned them today and the initially said yes but I think they didn't realise that it was the pump from the tank to the boiler (they thought it was in the boiler unit), but we got there in the end.

With respect to the pump constantly running, I've had a look at the boilermate 2 PCBs and I've also noticed that when changing the pump position from 4 to 1 (for night to reduce the noise level) that the pump does not like/will not run in the 2 and 3 positions and the cable movement can cause power loss, presumably a dry joint in the pump power connection.

I guess my question would be, given the obvious dry joint to the pump (tank to heat generator) and the lack of speed settings 2 and 3, can I/should I change/repair the electrical part of the pump, the whole pump before the PCB or as well as the PCB?

Many thanks for the advice,
if it has 4 speed settings then it must be some of that myson garbage, i would change the whole pump for a grundfos myself. far less hassle in the long run.
So that's a tank drain, pump change and check to see if the PCB will need replacing after :( . Its not my week.

I think the tank drain and pump change is at the edge of my plumbing/heating skills :( . What would be a rough price I'd expect the local heating repair man to charge (obviously it depends a little but a rough price would be good).

I'd like to thank you all for your contributions :D , and I know it went a little off topic-ish ;).

Many thanks,
Ok guys, one last thing so as I can put this one to bed. The change of Potterton boiler PCB and the constantly running pump (that only happened since the board change) are most likely coincidence?


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