Pound in biggest monthly fall against the dollar since 2016...

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40% of UK exports go to EU, Brexit massively increased trade barriers making UK less competitive.

and Trusses hogwash about lowering corporation tax to create growth…..wont work. Businesses aren’t coming to UK because we have a skills gap, we have a shortage of workers and we don’t have access to a frictionless market anymore because some muppets voted to stop it.

How did you vote?
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She hasn't lowered corporation tax, just left it at the same. The enterprise zone idea is more extreme than usual. Gov borrowing rates have shot up compared with how they usually change. The 2year loan rate. Whole idea is 1% more real growth will cover the borrowing. Even pundits who favour the idea see it as a gamble. As the loan rate is 3.9% it seems we can expect a similar base rate - when - pass.

Income tax. Next Apr down to 19 and 40%. I thought this might happen so
She hasn't lowered corporation tax, just left it at the same. The enterprise zone idea is more extreme than usual. Gov borrowing rates have shot up compared with how they usually change. The 2year loan rate. Whole idea is 1% more real growth will cover the borrowing. Even pundits who favour the idea see it as a gamble. As the loan rate is 3.9% it seems we can expect a similar base rate - when - pass.

Income tax. Next Apr down to 19 and 40%. I thought this might happen so
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The rate on govt 'borrowing' aka the completely unnecessary issuance of Gilts etc has increased because the BoE believes it's a good idea to raise interest rates. Therefore to meet the DMO nonsensical target of 'full funding ' they think they have to offer base+ to drain any excess reserves govt spending injected earlier.
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The BofE is selling them.
Treasury issues/buys gilts via DMO in response to deficit/surplus on any particular day. All this means is that instead of sitting as a static, non-interest bearing, non tradable figure in the Ways and Means Account, govt 'debt' is represented by interest-bearing, tradable gilts. Both the Ways and Means Account and Gilts are, in the end, both liabilities of the Consolidated Fund.

BofE is selling the Gilts it bought when undertaking QE. It's simply reverting to the position before QE was undertaken.
It seems Brexit did reduce some city jobs hence abolishing bonus limits. Interesting to relate this to Cameron's comment of us having an unbalanced economy. Some one said this was levelling up London. :ROFLMAO:

It seems that some EU countries have a guaranteed level of service during strikes. We're to have the same. All offers will also have to be voted on. That is an interesting change. It will probably be misused.

Some change to working benefits. No details but increased hours needed. A women interviewed mentioned she can't work more hours - kids and school. Has to tie in with that. A Finn told me their working and school hours are tied together.

Some talk of altering doc's pension rules to stop them from retiring early. That will go down well and probably involves changing their contract.

Biggest tax cut since 1972? or there abouts. Interesting aspect.

:ROFLMAO: This is a fiscal event not a budget, Why - it seems the OBR can not publish their analysis. These usually reasure the money market.

GBP drops again. -2% mentioned.

Fiscal needs all topped up by borrowing.

Enterprise areas. Didn't here a full report but it seems zero business rates. Didn't they switch to a system where councils could keep those. That was very unlevelling.
I I moved here from Ireland in 2014. I had to convert my Euros at €1.45 to the Pound. Wish I'd waited....
The worries away from the gov seem to be that the fiscal aspects aren't sustainable. They may put extra cash in peoples pockets for a while. That side of things has suggested a base rate of 5.5% will be needed. This is city type analysts but not many comments yet. The drop in the GBP and interest rate hike suggests they are worried.

One Tory said that the 6month help with business power may be enough - problems all over by then. The 2year for domestic is seen differently but debt depends on prices.

:rolleyes: It seems the green levy on power remains. Does that suggest they are borrowing that as well - pass.
The news was mentioning a 3% drop in the gbp yesterday evening. We have also had a drop against the euro.

Drops are inflationary as far as we are concerned. Lots of things are traded in USD and we import a lot from the EU.
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