Pound in biggest monthly fall against the dollar since 2016...

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I always turn to Mark Blyth when in doubt.
It makes a good job of explaining the USD advantage. Also supply and demand inflation. Sounds a bit post covid with bells on to me though. Not such a good reason any more. No real explanation of various gov's foreign currency reserves either. Even we have them.

United Kingdom Foreign Exchange Reserves was measured at 117.7 USD bn in Aug 2022, compared with 120.2 USD bn in the previous month

I like his comments on money movements to the average citizen. It hasn't. Corporation tax comments interesting too but I have no details. it seems Sunak was going to increase to 25% and add reductions some how if companies spent CapEx. Truss has left them at 19% - has that done us any good in the past? The variations over time are shown here
Numbers around 1979 and after are interesting

TBH I don't think the video relates to worries about what the UK is currently doing. Inflation is one aspect but sustainability figures as well. In some respects it depends on business actually coming into the country.The debt needed isn't exactly clear either. For instance business - help for 6 months then targetted. A comment said big business can borrow the money itself. No idea where it came from etc.

It also may leave a taxation problem - who's going to get elected on the basis of increasing them if that is found to be needed?

:eek: Here's a company that needed foreign investment to come in and it didn't. There poly's sound just like ours - they have a plan etc bound to work
That would appear to be about right:

Been the case for as long as I can remember, that's why UK is such an important market to German car manufacturers. Years ago the excuse was that UK cars included more 'extras' than their Eutopean counterparts.
Interesting comment aboout..

It also may leave a taxation problem - who's going to get elected on the basis of increasing them if that is found to be needed?

A desperate throw of the dice followed by an election. Next party in will have to pick up the position and sort out the finances. Do they expect Labour to win and immediately be labelled and criticised for raising taxes ?
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Been the case for as long as I can remember, that's why UK is such an important market to German car manufacturers. Years ago the excuse was that UK cars included more 'extras' than their Eutopean counterparts.
it won't stop it being an important market. But the cars will be dearer to buy.

we don't have any real british cars any more remember
Been the case for as long as I can remember, that's why UK is such an important market to German car manufacturers. Years ago the excuse was that UK cars included more 'extras' than their Eutopean counterparts.
There was a period where people were buying right hand drive cars from europe with a significant saving. Prices equalised for a while.

Fact is right hand drive cars will cost more than left as runs will be shorter but the price problem is likely to be down to franchises rather than the makers.

The fact that we drive on the left probably made us an easier target for the Japanese. There has also been periods of importing used Japanese cars. Fine unless something needs replacing even though the parts may be exactly the same. People get stung.

:) Sweden -
On Sunday, September 3, 1967, Sweden changed from driving on the left-hand side of the road to driving on the right. As you might imagine, this switch was anything but easy. The decision to move to the other side of the road was not taken lightly.

Actually I'm not so sure that it did cause them much grief at all really. Put all the signs up, covered and one day took them off.
Dropped some more today. Should warm the cockles of the hearts of some on here.
I don't think you seriously believe that a lousy Tory government that damages the UK is heart-warming, surely?
Short term pain for long term gain. That’s the plan but some on here would wish for Short term pain for long term pain. The usual suspects. They’ll be along soon.
Short term pain for long term gain. That’s the plan but some on here would wish for Short term pain for long term pain. The usual suspects. They’ll be along soon.
You dont seriously think this was planned ?
Sure, market makers are selling the £. They will stop when there aren't any more buyers at the prices they want - for every seller there has to be a buyer.

Currencies are bought and sold with prices rising and falling all day every day. Generally we don't notice any effect.
Still selling and being noticed
You dont seriously think this was planned ?
From Jim Pickard, political correspondent of the FT, regarding a dinner supposedly attended by Truss and Kwarteng.
Make of it what you will:

A source who was present at a dinner attended by hedge-fund managers a week ago revealed: “They were all supporters of Truss and every one of them was shorting the pound.” Several made small fortunes on Friday betting against the currency.
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