Practical economical Idea for reducing heating bills.

If your starting up tool hire then give construction a miss as sweet fa is happening in this area at the moment.

But with £1000 quid I wish you luck.
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You have single handed saved the planet :LOL:

With all the millions spent on energy efficiency, youve solved it with less than £300.

How is the perpetual motion machine and the anti-gravity boots coming along?
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id like to add my idea for all the doubters, it works well in our house.

I make the wife and kids sh1t in a bucket, then we all sit around soaking up the residual heat being ommitted from the steaming pile. once its let off its stored energy and dryed out, we chuck it in the log burner and set it alight.
im wondering if i could use the 'fan' idea to duct the heat to the rest of the house??
I take it your £1000 capital is from jobseekers allowance :LOL:

You're quick to laugh but he's already stated he pretty much retired in his 30ss

I presume you'll be doing the same?

his science is greatly flawed
he has taken a warmer than average 3 month period so how does he actually work out how much gain he has ??
he needs several periods measuring temperatures in several areas for comparison purposes over several longer periods in several areas
i am not saying it cant work and he is not doing sterling work i just think greater more predictable payback can be achieved easier
I take it your £1000 capital is from jobseekers allowance :LOL:

You're quick to laugh but he's already stated he pretty much retired in his 30s.

I presume you'll be doing the same?

Hence the jobseekers allowance.
Seriously if this made money, real money like his "other " ventures he would not be messing about on a DIY forum.

I quote loosly "made my money" " another idea" "when i make this work and sell it"................Everything he has touched he has sold apparently. to whom? What was it?
Why sell anything that ensures your and your siblings future. If it is that good you keep it for future renumerations.

So £1000 is going to beat HSS, the loacl hire shops and..........nah I seriously doubt it.
his science is greatly flawed
he has taken a warmer than average 3 month period so how does he actually work out how much gain he has ??
he needs several periods measuring temperatures in several areas for comparison purposes over several longer periods in several areas
i am not saying it cant work and he is not doing sterling work i just think greater more predictable payback can be achieved easier

That's the thing, he's already said he'll be doing nothing with this in terms of making a business out of it for at least 2 years. That's another 24 months for him to collect data, analyse it and see if it really is worth doing.

I'm presuming that as a physicist his science is far from flawed, though his data isn't broad enough to make any definitive conclusions. He came here to discuss ideas and gave an idea of his plans; in response he's had a mixture of people giving theoretical observations as to why it will/won't work, and others belittling his ideas before they've even thought it through properly.

If MM can make threads about how everyone's out to tarnish his reputation, why can't the OP create an intelligent discussion on something that could save people a few quid a year?
I'm presuming that as a physicist his science is far from flawed, though his data isn't broad enough to make any definitive conclusions.

that reminds me off a friend off mine who said he thought the preserved railways should take over british rail as they make a profit and br didn't
and in fact his logic told him steam trains would be more efficient

he was a professor
a qualification doesn't make you intelligent in fact many an intelligent person will appear thick because off there limited knowledge and often lack basic common sense
that reminds me off a friend off mine who said he thought the preserved railways should take over british rail as they make a profit and br didn't
and in fact his logic told him steam trains would be more efficient

he was a professor
a qualification doesn't make you intelligent in fact many an intelligent person will appear thick because off there limited knowledge and often lack basic common sense

But transferring heat actually has something to do with physics. I'm basing my opinion on the fact that I suspect he has already done at least some calculations to confirm whether or not this will work.

I didn't say a qualification makes you intelligent, merely that as a physicist when it comes to something like this he probably knows a thing or 2.
Any sane "physicist" would patent and sell the rights.
Not bandy it on a DIY site.

Or have I missed something?
Any sane "physicist" would patent and sell the rights.
Not bandy it on a DIY site.

Or have I missed something?

Like he said it's already being done in a similar form in the US, hence it's not patentable. About the only thing you could patent would be the use of a bathroom extractor.
Any sane "physicist" would patent and sell the rights.
Not bandy it on a DIY site.

Or have I missed something?

Like he said it's already being done in a similar form in the US, hence it's not patentable. About the only thing you could patent would be the use of a bathroom extractor.

As what, an extractor?
Look up patent rules.
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