Predict the outcome of the 4th July election

Sunak is using a form of project fear but one of his main pushes is if you want Rwanda vote for me. Also that the BofE plan is working. We are going to get attacked by Russia or Iran or etc. Rwanda may prevent moves to Reform. Farage - set to spend most of his time supporting Trump. Quaint brit crowd raiser. May add some ideas for Trump. The brexit technique is well understood and just about worked.

Libs. Tricky. They were going to go rejoin the EU. These days it will be hard for them to say sorry we can't do it if they do get power. Libs often attract unhappy Tory voters. They aim to concentrate on certain areas.

Reform - the name suggests what they are and no doubt will sound wonderful to some. I believe they only intend to be represented in certain areas.

Greens. Tricky but if in power they would find quick greening has it's problems, Coalition as with Germany could result in some bad ideas getting in.

Labour. Rather clear that sudden changes are not possible. LOL A bit Tory but at least said. Taxation - look at aspect that don't change PAYE. They have control of the purse strings. Money can be moved from A to B etc. History is interesting
Brown's time as chancellor was marked by major reform of Britain's monetary and fiscal policy architecture, transferring interest rate setting to the Bank of England, extension of powers of the Treasury to cover much domestic policy and transferring banking supervision to the Financial Services Authority. Brown presided over the longest period of economic growth in British history
This time we get an economist, Business and a pretty famous ex head of the BofE like that. Blare - law. Sound familiar. True a different style this time. Blair will have done well in his presentation skills training. Maybe they should all select actors.

When an election is set its usually time for a manifesto to appear.

The various media sources. Don't expect too much sanity in terms of who to vote for. In fact it's likely to worse than it ever has been before.
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Sunak, Visits a distribution centre. Requests questions from 2 people in a crowd of workers in high vis jackets. They turn out to be 2 Tory councillors that don't work there. Then he's off.
Sunak, Visits a distribution centre. Requests questions from 2 people in a crowd of workers in high vis jackets. They turn out to be 2 Tory councillors that don't work there. Then he's off.
Is that true about them being councillors?

Not seen anything about that, yet
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I was wrong. Reform is attacking a LOT of seats. Truss ideas mentioned.
Refrom - net zero immigration will solve the NHS problem. Being ripped to pieces on C4. Many have to show funding for NHS services, Most young and wont need any,

Tell you something - immigration figures that get quoted need all aspects running through.
Sunak is using a form of project fear but one of his main pushes is if you want Rwanda vote for me. Also that the BofE plan is working. We are going to get attacked by Russia or Iran or etc.
You forgot to include the Islamic threat.
According to Boris Johnson, if the Palestinians aren't defeated then civilisation will collapse.
Real earnings have remained constant since the banking crisis, Not risen at all. If the rate before that had been maintained a number of aspects would look entirely different.

The increases that have happened are related to the cost of living to look at it this way. Sure the crisis is bound to cause some problems such as job losses etc but the conditions do not remain the same for this long a period. Even to some extent job losses.
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